With every update I think this story can't get any more amazing than it already is, but damn, it really did! Such a painful and realistic portrayal of domestic abuse--and (I say this with relief), the path to healing. There's something very tender in this work despite the despair. I'm looking forward to more!

The first story was cute, but I really didn't enjoy the dubious consent in the second one. Mutou was really pushy and seemed to put on the face of being understanding towards the Mochida's OCD, but not actually taking his comfort and boundaries into consideration. It seemed very selfish to me. On the topic of "neat freaks," Ten Count (which also has rampant dubious consent) is a much better take.

I was having a hard time getting into this because senpai's whole slut-shaming, homophobic, moralistic hangups were just too much. I get that he had a deadbeat dad, but that's no excuse for going around pushing your judgment onto other people.. When he slapped Umi and said "You brought this on yourself" (rape culture, much?) I kind of just gave up on him.

If he was homophobic then he wouldn't be hang out with Umi and what he said about Umi is true because Umi would just sleep with anyone who was kind towards him. And he never slap Umi. I do agree that he has a harsh mouth and I also don't like the fact that he is judgemental since I think that no one has the right to judge.
You know you're getting old when you read a super sweet and fluffy manga and think, "Ahh, such good-natured kids." (I'm only 20, why do I feel like this LOL.)
OMG, I know that feeling! And I am only your age too lol, I guess we have been reading mangas a long time that our preferences have started to mature along with us I guess :)
Right on point! haha