ngl all this situation is gonna make me not even pick or start reading this manhwa.
fr like from the beginning it’s a mess, till the end.
like we know now what happened, and both of them were in the wrong, but i dont see myself supporting nor reading the author.
what a mess.

agree with me or not, but the author’s behavior and professionalism in first place wasn’t it for me.
and the uploader (the catfisher) who obviously took someone’s identity and the doxxing issue they did to that guy, and claiming that the author was doxxing them instead also isn’t it for me.
it’s a whole mess, and i don’t think that i will be able to support the author, either legally or illegally (you should support the authors legally in general.)

omg okay guys stop saying racist jokes about japan winning against korea, and etc.
yes, she is a fucking psychopath, and dont forget that she fucking harmed the uploader and made a lot of racist jokes and is actually xenophobic. but dont forget that there’s a lot of korean artists and authors you are following and reading their work as well.
so stop! stop saying racist jokes stfu it’s not the fucking time for it wtf!
love how uploaders dont give a single fuck and proceed to upload the new chapter