b1tch1ng created a topic of Our Sunny Days

The father better love Ho too donā€™t be telling your son to leave him

b1tch1ng created a topic of Ang Ang

The comments are so unserious lol

b1tch1ng created a topic of The Man At Night

I always read the comments first before reading the story, and Iā€™ve left this story alone since the comments have been getting stressful. Y'all looking out for me for real. Iā€™ll come back when the story is lessā€¦ complicated lol. I love the fluff only

b1tch1ng created a topic of ARTS MANZ

Ok but I actually know people like this IRL where they encourage the misunderstanding by not telling others theyā€™re related and making it seem like theyā€™re dating.

Like is that not gross to them?? Why do you want to seem like youā€™re dating??? Youā€™re literally related???? Ew.

And thereā€™s still so much story left to go. I guess weā€™ll be waiting literal years for it to be done.

b1tch1ng created a topic of Salty Lust

Whatā€™s happening. I stepped out for five mins and thereā€™s all these new men.


Update: there are currently 25 chapters but theyā€™re behind a paywall and are in japanese

ā€¦ I think the good doctor should instead love the main character

b1tch1ng created a topic of Seven-sex eight-sex

You know what?

Good for him.

b1tch1ng created a topic of Swallow You Whole


Thatā€™s one of the family members that MC left behind. He goes and tells everyone else, they get upset that MC left them, only to ā€œlive a life of luxuryā€ (proven by Mugo letting him shop whatever he wants). Someone who was jealous of his good life, but too cowardly to volunteer in the first place goes to take his place and force him back to his family. Mugo gets upset that he left. He chases after MC. Some big event happens where MC is witness to Mugo getting hurt. MC thinks heā€™s dead. He cries. Mugo wakes up, only with one personality because of the Power of Love. The story ends


How did I do?

See, I was wondering why the ML hadnā€™t been smothering him in kisses before now because MC is so cute in puppy form. Seeing that one panel where he put puppyā€™s head in his mouth made the most sense to me.

b1tch1ng created a topic of Swallow You Whole

My naive ass thought he was gonna satiate him through really well made meals.

b1tch1ng created a topic of The Man At Night

Doesnā€™t Korea and Japan have universal hathcare? What gives?

This is so fuckin ridiculous. Whereā€™s the next chapter

b1tch1ng created a topic of My Other Girlfriend

Why is the cover like that

b1tch1ng created a topic of Swallow You Whole

This is stressing me out, guys. Iā€™m stressed.