2023-02-21 13:35 marked

Listen up, work being SEPERATE as WORK is one thing, even if it's porn.
But a coworker CALLED Natori ON PURPOSE so that he could walk in on that scene, KNOWING he would get jealous. Work is no longer separate; it's literally bleeding into the relationship. Natori shouldn't care that Seo is in porn, but when his dumbass pornstar coworkers GO OUT OF THEIR WAY to make Natori feel bad??? NAH. All bets are off.
Are you fucking kidding me? Imagine if your boy/girlfriend's coworkers roped you into walking into a scene where they /knew/ you would feel bad even though your significant other was just doing their job.
If Seo knows that his WORK LIFE is literally bleeding into and wrecking his relationship, not because Natori is a jealous person, but because his fucking PORN STAR COWORKERS are making his boyfriend feel like shit???? Then yeah. it's time to look for another fucking job. (Or AT THE VERY FUCKIN LEAST switch porn agencies.)
It's not about the damn porn ok. It's about the fact that the people at his job is making Natori feel bad on purpose, which wouldn't be possible if it wasn't for the job.
2021-10-13 05:04 marked

I’m glad the uke left the scene before the seme woke up. If you’re having sex with OTHER PEOPLE just to SPITE the person you LIKE, YOU are the problem.
BUT the uke’s statements make him ignorant. The Seme’s action make him cruel.
There is a BIG difference.
2021-07-10 13:18 marked

Think about it:
MC wants Chance for himself (he keeps his memories)
Lucius wants MC to stop hurting but isn’t as invested (loses his memories but keeps his perspective, so he can still see the cell phone)
Chance secretly got cold feet because he’s in love with MC BUT IS IN DENIAL SO HE LOSES HIS MEMORIES AND REMAINS BLIND TO EVERYTHING
Dhakajdksms,laksj OHMG GUYS AM I ON TO SOMETHING!?
2020-11-08 01:27 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2020-10-17 22:46 marked
As a Pansexual, Non-binary person, i use yaoi as an escape, a paradise, a safe place where i can seek comfort when i am sad, it's a relaxing and entertaining hobby of mine. Op, i understand where you're coming from, but honestly this whole entire discussion has me in tears laughing. Like, "Yaoi is bad!!!!!" yeah, okay, sure, but... so what? Wha......
2020-10-17 22:36 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2020-10-17 22:35 marked
2020-10-13 02:46 marked

2020-10-12 19:07 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2020-10-04 07:25 marked
How is this not done