bro why THE FUCK is the brother such a fucking bitch?? Leave HIM ALONE.

ok but they were both raped, and that's not his brother's fault you know? like shit you'd THINK that because you're brothers, you'd be like "that night was horrible but at least my brother didn't have to go through it." and then the other brother wasn't there that night. Like Hong was raped at night. he should KNOW exactly what kind of pain his brother's in. But instead of empathizing, he's being a cunt.

I loved it. I know it sounds like gay baiting, but when you read later, it's not. Great characters. They seem antagonistic at first, BUT THERE IS A GOOD POLITICALLY CORRECT REASON FOR THAT.
Stick this one out, guys. I've read the raws up to chapter 50, and I love it so far. This might be in my top 3 all time favorite BL manhwas, up there with Walk on Water and Painter of the Night. :)
caius deserves better, and the MC is pretty selfish for leaving
I see it more as conflicting emotions the mc is going through. The old world was where he was raised and he has lots of good people and memories of it while the new world is where his lover is along with one heck of an adventure with many exciting happiness. It’s hard to make a choice where you can only choose one or the other. Anyways, I’m sure the future chapters are going to get better and even more....idk BETTER!!!
tbh, i liked the main character the whole time this story took place UNTILLLLLL HE PULLED THAT LEAVING STUNT. but you're right, of course. it's hard making those kinds of choices. i hope he goes back.