THIS MANHUA IS SO GOOD!!!! Read all the chapters with google translation that are out currently and with season three currently releasing, I’m so excited reading the upcoming plot and new characters so far… and especially, ESPECIALLY looking forward to the relationship with my two babies!! Might post spoilers later for the whole series so far or not- have about like… 1/4 of the story written down right now
My lovely Shiyu and Haochen <3 I will forever support you two ok?!!! HAHAHAHA- even if this is not a BL LOL

Hello!!! I hope this chapter makes it to everyone who has been annoyed or disappointed with the recent thing with the uhhh- previous translation group before me :D
Sorry for any mistakes in the chapter as I wanted to push this chapter out quickly for everyone stuck on the cliffhanger of chapter 25 (but still at least make it good quality work)…
As stated before, this is only temporary for one chapter (chapter 26). Watermarks/etc aren’t included as they serve no purpose to me and are unnecessary (plus, it’s better for reading purposes and I prefer reading other manhwa like that too LMAO)
Take translations with a small grain of salt, but I hope the translation was at least understandable/not wonky for you reader!
Thank you <3 and keep loving the NEW BLACK boys where it be the manhwa or novel!!

I, once in the past, MTL (but edited to make sense) this novel, but only up to chapter 22 online and seeing this NOVEL have a MANHWA makes me feel like a proud mother LOL!! My editing of the MTL wasn’t that good truth be told as I don’t know Korean. But, I still wanted people to experience the novel which is why I always looked up words/meaning to get a better understanding HAHA!! I’m glad that this novel is getting attention from all kinds of reader now!
I only read up to chapter 50 of the novel and stopped cause I got to busy and fell out of reading novels, but I can tell you it’s good (maybe I’m biased a little- a lot on this HAHA!!) The novel is a light-heart and fun read. You (for me personally) start to feel a connection with the young boys called NEW BLACK and even the people that they make along their journey!! BIJU is my bias from back then and even now LMAO RIHYUK may be a TSUNDERE, but he’s so adorable, like a black cat!
The pacing of the MANHWA is a lot more on the fast side compare to the novel. It’s missing details and giving mostly the big picture, but you’ll still understand it. For example, in CHAPTER ONE, WOOJOO saved the old man, but that’s about it we get from it. We don’t even get the details that WOOJOO was on his way to take a hella of a big exam and saw an old man pushing a cart alone. He then went to help the old man out of kindness since the old man reminded him of his grandma (who he cares for a lot). They chatted, got along, and then parted ways before WOOJOO heard/saw the wild car about to crash into the old man. The MANHWA also didn’t go into much detail in the beginning on the relationship of WOOJOO and SEOKHWAN (he’s like a caring father to WOOJOO after all the things he’s seen him go through). Maybe these details will be revealed later on, but that’s my take on the MANHWA so far-
However, it’s understandable that’s its fast pace as it’s a MANHWA and not a NOVEL. They even skipped my favorite ARC: DAILY LIFE AND DORMS from the novel and proceeded straight to their collab with SOWON after their End of the Evaluation (sadddd). But it makes sense as that arc was more for us readers to see their friendship and daily life (kinda like a filler arc). I was also so excited to finally see the boy’s reaction to the other possible group names they could have debuted under other than NEW BLACK, but they also skipped on that part LMAO!!
Overall, I really have a big soft-spot for this NOVEL/now MANHWA in my heart and seeing it come this far makes me so happy!! Thank you for clicking on this MANHWA.
(PS: producer director JO KYUHWAN was so much more handsome in the MANHWA than I had imagined him in my head LOL)

So umm... it’s me, KP, the one who upload chapter 22 (yayyy)!! So I manage to translate the whole chapter along with cleaning it and everything else which was hard TwT. I actually read the whole thing to see if what I’m translating made sense with the plot, and I can say I made sense to me, but you people will be the one who decided on that-
The mad dog’s name when I was translating it was actually Kim Jogang (김조강), not Kim Jogan (김조간), so that might be a change that you may have not expected...
Sorry if the translating is weird, cropping, or anything else is weird also. It’s my first time, so I’m not perfect! If you’re expect a chapter 23, don’t count on me since I don’t think I’ll even be able to get it haha!! I hope it wasn’t to hard on your eyes with my chapter, sorry!!

Thank you so so so much!! (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
Don't know if the original uploader dropped this or something like that, but the translation was good, well, I mean, English is not my first language and I was able to understand it really well and the image quality was the greatest,, (▰˘◡˘▰)
Thanks again! Hope you have a nice week!!
Link to my spoilers right here under the user KP_MIN:
**Includes short spoilers for the peeps who don’t want to read my whole essay of detail spoilers, and includes long spoilers for those who want to read my whole essay of spoilers… if you are reading the long spoilers. . . prepare for a very and I mean VERYYYYYYY comment**
(with some spoilers…)
(Only read the first two paragraph out of the four paragraphs for no spoilers)
I have google translated and read all updated 158 chapters so far of Idol is a God (three seasons) in one sitting and I really REALLY love the story!! I’m more of a korean novel/manhwa girl type of reader as I understand the Korean language more/etc so I typically don’t read chinese manhua, but even though this was a chinese manhua, I found myself wanting to keep reading it and in the end really loving/enjoying the story as it didn’t feel too cheesy as others. Characters didn’t feel like they were one dimensional and the story is a fun read with some drama/problems for each character and group to face along the way together. Relationships between characters (like Haochen and Shiyu) really just tug at your heartstrings making you at times say, "Just get together already!!!!!” or “You’re boyfriend is here again hehe” even if it isn’t a BL LMAO. Some characters will make you laugh at times with how you can relate to them, make you angry at times with their decisions, make your heart ache by seeing them struggle, and more.
Now like I said, this isn’t a BL/YAOI/SHOUNEN AI manhua or whatever related genre but WHEN I TELL YOU THE BL FEELING IS STRONG AHHHH!!! Especially to all my fellow Shiyu and Haochen shippers like me ;D (and Zhongyun + Donjun peeps). Even though the story isn’t BL, in my heart, it is- (delulu is the solulu ok) it explores on the idol/trainee journey + hardships, friendships, feelings of not being the best at times, personal conflicts, pressure from expectations, and I guess the dark side of being a celebrity… yeah :D
Just letting y’all know, Idol is a God has three seasons. The first two seasons are together in one manhua which is this one. These two seasons mainly follow Shiyu…(and his lovely boyfriend Haochen… my OTP… if you can’t tell…), along with the relationship between SWEN members, other idols/group, the company/gods while the third season is its own separate published manhua. It seems to be called, “C位成神3” IDOL IS A GOD 3… yeah LOL (based on my own findings and searching). Season 3 of course still has the same characters and stuff, but with new additional characters. It takes place 3 years later focusing on a newly created survival show and focuses more on the new characters Xuan Dixing and Ren Ziwei (. . . pairing it seems HAHAHA). Season three is still ongoing and only has 26 chapters so far hinggggg as I’m writing this.
To all the Shiyu and Haochen shippers like me. . . TURN BACK WHILE YOU CAN!! STOP READING BEFORE IT GETS TO LATE FROM THE SADNESS AUGHHH *ugly cries* thank you for reading the manhua till now, farewell buddy. . . but if you continue to read instead of heeding- I pray for you for the upcoming sadness (I guess bittersweet ending) later very near at the end of season two. Season three still didn’t help/cure my aching heart so far HAHAHA but it’s still on-going soooooo I still have some hope for my little rain Shiyu and little star Haochen LOL
Ok i read the spoiler and can infact agree that it was bittersweet can’t believe they did them like that but hope remains
I read the spoiler op posted in the link so it’s better to get the whole spoiler there but in short, they ended up being separated with Shiyu staying in Heaven and saying goodbye to Haochen.
I read the spoiler op posted in the link so it’s better to get the whole spoiler there but in short, they ended up being separated with Shiyu staying in Heaven and saying goodbye to Haochen.
kill me now