why do ppl write this type of sht when the mc's daughter is over-sexualized and mc finds her hot(EWWW) and then the daughter being a horndog to the mc. Chapter 29 hit the nail, it was disgusting how hayeon(YO GURL, THATS LITERALLY UR UNCLE, DONT MAKE IT WEIRD BY HAVING A CRUSH TO HIM WHILE ITCHING UR ASS ON THE SEAT, HES LITERALLY SEEN U SINCE U WERE FIVE YRS OLD) was literally admitting she likes the mc. ugh, just disturbing.Hopefully, if there is romance, dont let this be weird.
Fuck the red hair honestly. Ppl who supports him or feels bad for the guy, idc what u say, but u just sided with a mf who def deserve whatever happened to him. Actually,he deserved alot more worse things. And i cant fathom the fact that eventually this two will end up together.. poor suha, my guy has to meet with the mf and accept his apology(force plot, just so they can end with a good note. Disgusting) and the WORST part of this is.. the person who is gonna date this guy is suha's BESTFRIEND. What. The. Fuck. Happened with this author. Fucking end this already, ur dragging it too much.
It's a bl chill out, in real life he would be in jail so let's just enjoy smut and drama or drop the manhwa
woah chill, if you like justifying rape then that's on you, no need to shit on people who have human decency lol
what the fuck is happening with author?!!are you for real?its her manhwa and she have the right to do whatever she want with her story if you dont like it then just dont read it! like nobody is forcing you to continue reading it
and your weird to say he deserve gang rape nobody deserves it
your Literally justifying rape eww
Why the fuck are you reading a yaoi if you are looking for a human decency it just a story if it triggers you drop it wtf?!
don't be daft, read the comment, understand what it says before replying with dumb takes and embarrassing yourself
because i never said it triggers me, if it is wrong then it is wrong, i love the story regardless so it clearly isn't me who is complaining about the story here
that isn't even what they're talking about, comprehend the comment before hitting post
Damn, my bad i thought yall ganged up on me ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄
ur a weirdo. seriously. no one deserves to be traumatized like that no matter what they’ve done in the past. yk what he deserves? jail. not rape.
Nah fr he deserved jail not rape !!!!