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Unknown Yandere's topics ( All 2 )

Unknown Yandere July 22, 2021 12:53 am

Doesn’t it feel weird to keep coming back thinking there’s gonna be updates even though it’s been completed? In a way I feel a bit lonely…this book was definitely my first step into the yaoi genre and it feels almost bittersweet for such a wonderful book to end, and for my journey with all of you lovely people to end. I hope we can all meet again for a different book, take care ^^

Unknown Yandere September 9, 2020 8:13 am

To be honest...I actually liked it. Now don't get me wrong the dad x son relationship was nasty as hell but the concept and story were interesting! We deal with rape, attempted suicide, murder, and to top it all off a relationship between a parent and their child! Though I wouldn't recommend it I would still talk about just to save someone from actually reading it...I hate sounding so harsh but some people may not take this story with a grain of salt so it's better to just talk about it.

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Unknown Yandere's favorite ( All 5 )

Remember Guys 07-15 20:47
Damn- 06-24 02:16
SPOILER!!! 05-12 13:55
Photo from Spoilers 05-12 03:03
This 04-18 18:59

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Just a simple yaoi simp who's unknown to the world.
> 5 people followed Unknown Yandere