prettyboyash did ( All 2 )

question kissing

prettyboyash's experience ( All 0 )

prettyboyash's answer ( All 3 )

about question
I fucking love eating ass bro I’ll do that shit for FREE   reply
9 hours
about question
Ewwwwwww not the lesbophobia….. trust me, they def don’t want you…. And if they did, all they’d need to know is that you’re lesbophobic and THAT would ruin the friendship. Not them being a lesbian. Reflect on yourself, honestly…..   reply
23 10,2024
I’m a trans man so when a guy character looks nice, I’ll choose him but unfortunately, most often, the female characters are so much more developed an hav more clothing options and love interests :(   reply
16 08,2024

prettyboyash's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did zodiac sign


6 hours
did question

just took 16 different pills wish me luck hope i get the wanted outcome lol

14 hours
did worst sin

my hentai tag searches have hit the point of no return...

14 hours