Grimmelda June 30, 2020 4:26 am



Ican't even understand the people hating on Ruveliss right now.
So many comments about how Kieran is a great dad and Allendis was a victim and how AWFUL Ruveliss was.

It's like people found out about the spoiler and didn't even BOTHER to actually really READ the story.

Aristia has changed so much from the reserved, cold, dutiful woman she was in the past and the story is doing a GREAT job of developing Ruveliss as well and giving him perspective. It was clear due to Aristia's cold nature that the prince would have thought she hated him as much as he her. There's clearly something from their childhood that put a wedge between.

But as the story progresses BOTH of them are completely different. Both are clumsy and oblivious and terrified and trying SO HARD.

All this Ruveliss hate and the hatred for the author for letting Aristia 'end up' with a bastard like him IS SO FRUSTRATING.

They're not even the same PERSON anymore and you know what? Her father let her suffer too. Her father could have taken her back when the prince from the past humiliated her. But everyone was understanding about his circumstances- A GROWN ASS MAN but not those of a young twenty something man who'd never recieved love from his father nor his fiance, JUST became king and for the first time found someone who actually LOVED him.

And anyone who didn't notice that Allendis was trying to use Aristia from the beginning is completely oblivious.

If anything the convient twist was Allendis' ACTUAL love for Aristia that saved her life. Because if he'd continued to see her as a tool he wouldn't have told the Emperor what the aristocrats were doing and would have let her die.

Because from the get go he saw her and her middle name as a way to gain power for himself. He was barely less than a fetus and he befriended her JUST to get her under his grasp at such a young age. It was so obvious and so calculated and his character was probably one of the most well fleshed out in terms of his attitude. So if you didn't catch onto any of those clues, honestly, I feel like you don't have the right to criticize or review this story because you've missed the most obvious clues.

I ship Aristia and Ruveliss. I want them to grow and heal one another and live and love and I will argue to my last dying breath that this is a story of growth and redemption and if you don't see that there's no hope for you.

    bowbie June 30, 2020 8:30 am

    Wow, you really thought you did something

    Mokona44 June 30, 2020 9:13 am


    I would like to reply that for a love story the novel (yes, I have read it) was a very painfull read. Two simple examples (there is many more), after the happy ending was supposed to already have happened, that is after they were married.
    - Because of the trauma she still compare the two Ruve. When he snapped because she have found and read hidden letters in his office she actually cried because she taught he was mad at her. First, it is completely out of caracter for Tia who could keep her social mask under any circonstances including under the worst abuse and is supposed to be rational... It shows that the readers who are calling out "she had too change to cater to his taste" are right. Secondly, it just show how unhealthy the relashionship trully is.
    - Most of Ruve's POV have at their core his physical attraction to her, with little regarding how Tia trully is or her abilities. Allen and Carsei's POV showed at the contrary that they had a very good grasp on who Tia trully is.

    About the second timeline Ruve:
    He is far from being a sweet sweeter than sugar. He is cold-hearted, manipulative, pushy (the spoilers about he never forced her and always respected her decisions are wrong, he clearly didn't care that she wanted to break the engagment).

    Mind you, it is the novel. My only hope is that the manhwa will make the ending more barable than the novel did. Not necesserly by changing the end-game but at least by showing that it actually make sense that she choose him over the others despite everything and that their relashionship is healthy. Because in the novel it was clearly not good enough.

    anonyyyyyyymous June 30, 2020 10:13 am

    well I ain't hating on ruve and yea I did read the novel and boi if that wasn't a trainwreck of emotions then idk what is. Still my heart is going for carrot head sksksksk it's because I kinda think that they would've been a great ship but hey it's a great story nonetheless

Grimmelda June 25, 2020 10:28 pm

I understand the first scanlator was upset at the ending, but I feel like without actually reading everything that happens and then just announcing they were going to put in a spoiler like, ten pages in advance and nothing on the actual page was pretty childish.

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