Grimmelda July 24, 2021 1:01 am

Where is the Makoto side story?! The one shot of the bondage idiots?!

Grimmelda July 22, 2021 1:47 am

Hey there!
This is not a read, but just to let you know, you probably will want to re-upload ch.74. looks like the order of the panels are off.

Great job otherwise!

Grimmelda July 18, 2021 7:04 am

I'm sure you'll say there is a reason, but there's no reason for someone to go by the name AIDS.

That is such an ugly term people used and the fact that you're throwing it around that way is really sloppy.
That end credit was the messiest shit I've seen in a long time and u am not a fan.

    queue July 18, 2021 7:15 am

    u ever used band aids before ?

    Grimmelda July 18, 2021 7:23 am
    u ever used band aids before ? queue

    That is not the same.

    Amen_BL July 18, 2021 7:33 am
    That is not the same. Grimmelda

    But it’s someone’s nickname that they are okay with being called xD Plus, it’s not like they were trying to insinuate anything about the medical term. Please don’t discredit someone’s name just because you don’t like it, it’s kinda rude ngl

    Grimmelda July 20, 2021 2:42 am

    I am not going to allow someone to gaslight me over someone being crude and ignorant enough to use the word AIDS as a nickname when I watched my cousin die at 32 from it.

    You are the rude one.
    You and those people.
    That is not a term you take as a NICKNAME.

Grimmelda June 13, 2021 12:13 pm

This got real wild real fast but I somehow don't hate the pacing like ?????
Anyone else feel that way?

Grimmelda June 5, 2021 9:49 am

I really want to like this.
I really do. But Martel is literally forcing Louis despite him begging him not to.
And in front of the reporters?
It's degrading, humiliating and it isn't consensual.

It was date rape the first time.

It's been coercion every other time and I'm SICK of these stories normalizing abuse and rape.

Guys, this is not healthy and it fucking sucks.
Martel is going to push Louis to a breaking point and then 'lose' him and feel guilty but the truth is he sees NOTHING wrong with what he's doing.

They'll make up and it'll be a happy ever after... Until Louis gets busy or doesn't want to do it and the cycle of abuse starts again.

Oh but don't worry, the story will end on a high note before that happens.

So it's ok.

And for the people who say "it's just a fake story." Here's a nice little article proving that what we read actually DOES shape moral and racial sensibilities.

So, no.

This is not ok.

"Reading shapes our moral sensibilities, and underrepresentation in the arts impoverishes our ethical understanding" -Rachel Fraser (Oxford) on our duty to read writing by women.

    hellyeahiluvyaoi June 5, 2021 12:26 pm

    I read this since years ago and still think rape its a big no

    Amy June 5, 2021 2:49 pm

    Spamming this won’t really resolve anything. Reading rape fantasies doesn’t mean that rape shapes their senses and moral though. Psychologists have said it’s perfectly normal and healthy for women to have rape fantasies and even read stories and books that have those elements.

    Sachs June 5, 2021 3:10 pm
    Spamming this won’t really resolve anything. Reading rape fantasies doesn’t mean that rape shapes their senses and moral though. Psychologists have said it’s perfectly normal and healthy for women to have... Amy

    Yes, many women are already shamed for these fantasies which is not okay. It’s very common and women can read these fantasies without seeing it as healthy or normalizing it. It comes down to age/maturity level which mangago should not even be allowed.

    In terms of these stories, culture is also a factor since they are made in East Asia.

    Grimmelda June 6, 2021 6:42 am

    1 fantasies are different. This is literally trying to pass this behaviour off as acceptable.
    2 I am not shaming anyone.
    3 I'm not spamming.
    4 it's exactly BECAUSE it's the excuse that 'oh it's East Asia so it's different' that is the problem because that culture is literally. Rape. Culture. That's the whole point of why this is problematic.

    Amy June 6, 2021 7:14 am

    1. This is a fantasy story. Nobody is passing rape as excusable? You’re illegally reading a story that is meant to be payed for and read by mature audiences. People who have rape fantasies don’t think rape is excusable in real life.
    2. You seemed to be shaming other people in your other comment you made for another story.
    3. I am not going to argue if you’re spamming but but the repetitive behavior and comments strike me as spamming.
    4. Don’t ever put words in my mouth. And East Asia is not “rape culture.” Their culture is way more and rape culture has nothing to do with stories that contain rape fantasies.

    hellyeahiluvyaoi June 6, 2021 8:12 am
    1 fantasies are different. This is literally trying to pass this behaviour off as acceptable.2 I am not shaming anyone.3 I'm not spamming.4 it's exactly BECAUSE it's the excuse that 'oh it's East Asia so it's d... Grimmelda

    Your 4th point doesnt make sense with this rape culture in east asia lol

    Amy June 6, 2021 8:29 am
    Wtf..Your 4th point doesnt make sense with this rape culture in east asia lol hellyeahiluvyaoi

    Let me make it more clear on what I meant. I had issue with the “East Asia is rape culture.” Rape culture does exist in East Asia of course but it exists everywhere. Rape culture is heavily based on slut shaming, victim shaming and is basically a culture where people who rape are able to rape over and over again. It’s especially based on people of power being able to take advantage of people they sexually harass because it’s normalized.

    It’s not based on fetishes/kinks of women as studies show that these personal kinks and fetishes don’t contribute to rape culture and are perfectly healthy. There is a lot of good information online about this. A lot of these erotic mangas/books that contain rape are meant for women who have these fetishes but that doesn’t mean having rape fantasies/kinks means that it’s a contributor. Mature audiences (what this is meant for) are more likely to read these stories and not normalize or romanticize rape. The issue is with younger audiences, which these mangas and books are not meant for.

Grimmelda May 30, 2021 6:35 pm

I feel like there's a word for this.. frappe.... Grape.... Oh right.
didn't even finish chapter 2.
The bottom was literally sobbing and the top called him fussy and girly.
If you like NCS and straight up rape, this is for you, but otherwise it's trash and glorifying this is so harmful. Anyone defending this clearly has issues with consent.
"It's just a mangaaa" love stories we read shape who we become as lovers and if this doesn't phase you, it says alot about your maturity and/or morals.

    Ejaculatetoyaoi May 30, 2021 7:03 pm

    Once again, stating your opinion is perfectly ok but attacking people for liking a story is unacceptable.
    Say you do not like the manga and move on like an adult.

    Grimmelda May 30, 2021 7:08 pm
    Once again, stating your opinion is perfectly ok but attacking people for liking a story is unacceptable.Say you do not like the manga and move on like an adult. Ejaculatetoyaoi

    I said what I said.

    Ejaculatetoyaoi May 30, 2021 7:10 pm
    I said what I said. Grimmelda

    and I’m saying you didn’t pay for anything so you can either sit down and hush up or be respectful.

    Grimmelda May 30, 2021 8:01 pm

    Glorifying rape is not respectful.
    Telling people to leave when all THEY were doing was stating their opinions, is not disrespectful.

    I showed the same respect and consideration for that person they showed to others and if you don't like that, you can leave just as easily as I can.

    Ejaculatetoyaoi May 30, 2021 9:06 pm
    Glorifying rape is not respectful.Telling people to leave when all THEY were doing was stating their opinions, is not disrespectful.I showed the same respect and consideration for that person they showed to oth... Grimmelda

    I’m the uploader who paid for this story. I don’t have to leave. You ignored the warning in the beginning of the story. That is YOUR FAULT

    Ejaculatetoyaoi May 30, 2021 9:08 pm
    I’m the uploader who paid for this story. I don’t have to leave. You ignored the warning in the beginning of the story. That is YOUR FAULT Ejaculatetoyaoi

    Also stating opinions do not mean insulting others.

    If you left what you said as an opinion instead of insulting I wouldn’t even be bothered to reply to this

    blueberry May 30, 2021 11:20 pm

    “Love stories we read shape who we become as lovers”
    Speak for yourself, not all of us are unable to separate fiction from reality. Self-projecting like that onto others and assuming that everyone thinks and behaves like you just makes you look like a fool.

    Sexy cat May 31, 2021 3:08 am

    No but honestly this autor probably needs therapy

    Ejaculatetoyaoi May 31, 2021 3:19 am

    Anyone who takes a story too seriously probably needs therapy

    Grimmelda May 31, 2021 9:53 pm

    I literally have no problem with NCS in stories when it serves a point regarding to plot or anything else.
    The problem is when it's submitted under the guise of being a 'healthy' or 'acceptable' relationship and the reason I made my comments was because others were reacting with hostility towards others who were giving this poor reviews.

    It's unfortunate if you took offense to the fact that I was addressing the harmful reactions people had to OTHERS 'just stating their opinion.' but I'm not sorry that someone got called out for their behaviour.

    So go ahead and flame and attack me, but I'm tired of others acting nasty to others and not getting called out on it and I said. What I said. For a reason.

    Amy June 5, 2021 2:45 pm

    Yes, rape is horrible but you have been spamming this on multiple stories/mangas. Many women with rape fantasies still want to pay to read these. You have to remember that these stories are bought with money and people with these fantasies enjoy these stories.

    Amy June 5, 2021 2:49 pm
    and I’m saying you didn’t pay for anything so you can either sit down and hush up or be respectful. Ejaculatetoyaoi

    Thank you

    Grimmelda June 6, 2021 6:43 am
    Yes, rape is horrible but you have been spamming this on multiple stories/mangas. Many women with rape fantasies still want to pay to read these. You have to remember that these stories are bought with money a... Amy

    Reviewing mangas and warning others of rape, NCS and the content is not spamming.
    Spamming is posting unrelated content?
    The stories contain rape!

    Amy June 6, 2021 7:17 am

    Mature people can review mangas without shaming people. Again, these are not meant to be read illegally. These are usually made to be bought by mature audiences (who usually know what a healthy relationship looks like) and come with warnings/labels.

    Grimmelda June 6, 2021 7:19 am

    I'm allowed to have a review just like anyone else. And I am sick of people trying to tear down others for their opinion and not getting called out.
    The entire idea that everyone is upset with me because I chose to point out that someone else had a problem with people's opinions is hypocrisy in and of itself. So you think whatever you want and I'm allowed to think whatever I want. And on a social forum we can both express our opinion. And I did. And I won't recant.

    Amy June 6, 2021 7:28 am

    Nobody is telling you to not write your opinion. We are literally saying not to tear others down.

    blueberry June 6, 2021 2:19 pm

    Hypocrite? I hope you understood what you wrote in your original comment and your slander against those who defended the manga. We’re also sick of you trying to tear down others, so we’re calling you out :) Opinions and warnings in reviews are welcome! Calling fellow readers immature and immoral are not.

Grimmelda September 11, 2020 6:00 pm

I compared this one to 'The beginning after the End' because both MCs use their knowledge in past lives to give them an edge which can make them look OP, but it's done in a way that makes sense. There's no love interest thrust in their faces, they have actual goals. Cale acknowledges that the original soul of the body was trash and instead of immediately trying to change, he embraces it and uses it in a way so that he is underestimated but he becomes so endearing.

I can't wait for more.

Grimmelda August 22, 2020 3:44 am

Jason - please developed love and trust in your hearts or I'm a gonner.

Emporer- hold my beer.

Grimmelda August 22, 2020 3:10 am

I would be way more excited in this if it was a plot similar to the show 'Drop dead Diva's but since the cover art shows her skinny I'm going to take a 'wild' guess and say she 'perseveres through extreme diet and exercise to drop the weight.' and the truth will come out that no one could have POSSIBLY really loved her because she was FAT. But now that she's lost the weight she'll gain MEANINGFUL friendships and I think that's garbage.

There's nothing wrong with skinny characters. But I'm sick of people using the 'fat character's as a trope and putting out the idea that fat people can just magically lose the weight or that they all over eat.


    Francy21 August 28, 2020 10:17 pm

    I agree! Relationship and friendship are just fake if all it takes is a change of look to be seen as appealing and a possible love interest... everyone gotta love themselves as they are, living as healthily as possible!

Grimmelda July 13, 2020 11:44 pm

If you enjoy this and the more realistic portrayals of troubled relationships I recommend 'The Villain's Saviour.'

    raimyeon July 14, 2020 11:34 pm

    can you share the link?

    PARSLEYYYYY July 15, 2020 3:20 am
    can you share the link? raimyeon

    Here it is. although i find the Villians savior little boring compare to this one. I like this one better

    PARSLEYYYYY July 15, 2020 3:25 am
    can you share the link? raimyeon

    i think the following one can be compare to this, hovewer, its translation is bit lacking. i am reading the novel of it and i quite liked it.

    Onion July 16, 2020 1:04 pm
    Here it is. although i find the Villians savior little boring compare to this one. I like this one better PARSLEYYYYY

    Absolutely. In villains savior the MC is a total doormat that’s also terrible at communication and who loves the Ml no matter what he does. and of course everything the ML does Has worked out for him, like being batshit crazy hasn’t had any negative impact on his life. While the dysfunction is there in villains savior, it is very romanticized.

    In contrast, the MC has her own agenda for entering the terrible relationship she is in, and is not blind to the ML’s many flaws. Rather, she has a very admirable ability to remain stoic to his dysfunction. Rather than throwing a pity party over her terrible family and terrible choice to marry this guy, she accepts what she can’t change, chooses what she considers to be the lesser of two evils, and then attempts to embrace and make the best of the life she has chosen. Truely an icon of resilience.
    The ML is twisted, but unlike other shoujo/transmigration stories he is shown to be SELF DESTRUCTIVE IN EVERY WAY. He is physically damaging himself through his abuse of drugs and alcohol, ruining his own relationships and the lives of people around him, and despite the power his position as the bastard of a king provides him, he commands respect from basically no one, and is unable to actually do the work required to manage his house. His whole life is a Self destructive pity party where he makes poor decisions because he’s frustrated with his life , those decisions make him more miserable, and he reacts to that misery by lashing out with even more self destructive choices. This is the opposite of romanticizing dysfunction where a dude can do whatever bullshit the author chooses and it’ll all still work out for them because despite their life choices and trauma, the emperorduke of shoujostoryland is always able to be competant respected/feared and handsome to the point that his beauty and ferocity is all any exteras ever talk about.

    PARSLEYYYYY July 16, 2020 11:22 pm
    Absolutely. In villains savior the MC is a total doormat that’s also terrible at communication and who loves the Ml no matter what he does. and of course everything the ML does Has worked out for him, like b... Onion

    Wow.. I just love love loved your perspective on this. I couldnt agree more.As you said the ML lead knew what she is getting into and she was just gambling between the lesser of two evils. This was the better choce than going to the other kingdom and be with the king she doesnt love. At least she is able to be her family and loved ones. I like her character here, she is straightforward, she didnt lie to him and give him a choice somewhat. She is being faithful and a good wife considering his relationship in the past and the present. Of course MLs feeling is changing and that makes him more miserable and making himmake. ore mistakes. I am trully looking forward tomsee how the story progress. i wish there was a novel i could read. Thanks for the comment i am glad we are on the same page.

    Onion July 17, 2020 1:03 am
    Wow.. I just love love loved your perspective on this. I couldnt agree more.As you said the ML lead knew what she is getting into and she was just gambling between the lesser of two evils. This was the better ... PARSLEYYYYY

    Awww thanks for the thanks
    This is gonna be one rollercoaster of a story and I’m glad to see a kindred spirit along for the ride!

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