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Bluesake created a topic of Remarried Empress

Lmfao the comment section has me dying. Rashta will never get my sympathy no matter how they tell her story. Even when she talks about what she’s been through you start to feel for her until she rationalizes that it’s everyone else’s fault but hers. She got what she wanted but she still wasn’t happy! Why because she didn’t take it genuinely. When you take someone that’s was never yours you will never be happy. She had choices she chose to steal another woman’s man for her own happiness she chose to not take anyone’s advice when it was genuine because she had put herself in a place she knew nothing about. This isn’t some random come up she’s the empress of the nation if she only cares about herself how can she care for a whole nation she doesn’t have any compassion in her to do so because she’s been trying to take to get herself to the top.

Also about Navier having it easy do you know how humiliating it has to be for you to get your husband taken from you? On top of that having someone put on display that you can’t have children? Dragged for being inadequate just because one was with a silver spoon doesn’t mean she didn’t go through anything. She was born and raised to be an empress but then your husband divorced you publicly for a mistress no less. rashta had no sympathy for Navier as she paraded around in her face. She laughed at her humiliation. Then to marry an opposite state and then show back up with and get cold eyes as if your some random. Please spare me! You can feel for rashtas circumstances but she didn’t do anything to make herself better hence why I will never stan her. She never changed her greedy ways she kept being cruel. The maid cutting her tongue out. You would have thought since she had been in the position she would have sympathy but she couldn’t wait to cut her tongue. Also abusing the bird to frame Navier. Sending hit men to kill naviers parents. Be so serious