grenwall's experience ( All 1 )

grenwall 22 04,2020
no but i’ve thought about it. LMAO sometimes it’s when i get super depressive episodes or when i hit a low and i just wanna   reply
22 04,2020

grenwall's answer ( All 2 )

when people say that problematic stuff in works of fiction doesn’t matter like that shit is still disgusting so idk who can sit there and say that rape in mangas are ok just because no one is getting hurt, or like toxic relationships are cute like no   reply
21 12,2020
i don't really like the noncon aspects of it (it's called boys love not boys rape), but sometimes you can find the good bls that have character arcs and development, and actual plot outside the main couple. that's honestly what got me into bl, because i was searching for representation of the community, but unfortunately there's just a lot of gross......   reply
29 04,2020

grenwall's question ( All 0 )