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Bless oranges March 23, 2024 4:27 pm

I think this is a great story but the ending does feel rushed. I feel like Kira’s story needs a sequel for what her self discovery will look like with her new found freedom. Plus she is traveling to a whole new country so the possibilities for ‘fish out of water’ or ‘wandering warrior’ type content are endless. Romance with ponytail pirate wouldn't hurt either

    [DELETED] October 25, 2024 3:28 am

    Excuse the months late reply lol, you've probably forgotten about this story but i also felt like the following chapters after 50 (the time skip episode) is where the feeling of it being rushed came from. We started with the POV of another character after our main character changed so much, it felt pretty distant and like a different story entirely.
    I'm happy with the ending, although I feel like the true story begins there.

Bless oranges March 13, 2024 12:14 am

I am too impatient and need to read the novel plz lemme know where we are at in the novel

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