I have a gamer friend and we have this fb type relationship. And its not as bad as one might think. He's horny, I'm horny. We love each other as friends. I could call him any time of the day and he'd come over, or if not we'll have phone sex. Other than that, we're still able to do stuff other than feeling good. Like talking about our work life and asking each other how we're doing.
Being fb with a friend really can work. Just set some boundaries and rules.
Why in the world was the "Shota" tagged screened???
Who were the snowflakes that got them deleted?
You guys know that these manga/webtoon/manhua stories are just made up, right? Straight out of Shalala Land.
We read manga and watch anime to escape the real world and with its real world problems and you bring your personal views here???
Granted, I don't condone PDF. I just know how to separate fantasy from reality.
Mfr got that novelist rizz. I'd cave to if someone wrote me such a beautiful letter.