Alunares's feed

This hits too close to home. I’m also a woman nearing my 30’s and I’m so sick of family members asking about if I have a boyfriend, and I should hurry if I don’t I can’t have children and later it would be “too late”. I feel so for Asahi, why do woman have to make such hard decisions? My father asked me how ambitious I am (related to work) and I asked back “well I am really ambitious and I really love to work and move up the ladder, but what should I do? I want to have a family as well, but as the woman, I have to carry the child and be in Labour etc” life fly’s away and before you know it the children have occupied most of your time. I really don’t want to think about that, but as time goes on, one has to really make a choice. Of course it also depends on how supportive your partner is. But oh well, maybe I can move these thoughts aside for a little longer.