95 SeoulMates created a topic of Toxin

This better be a goddamn nightmare

95 SeoulMates created a topic of Toxin

Really the only way he’ll have a happy ending is to
kill the black martial emperor. I can’t see this unfolding any other way.

95 SeoulMates created a topic of Alpha Trauma

Dohyun that wasn’t suspect at allllllll

It’s probably fruitless to say this, but I hope Yayul doesn’t cut his hair and pin it up like in Ch 1. It makes him look like a troublemaker tbh. The hair is a bit too loud for his personality. He’d look much better if he did his hair like his mom and it would suit his personality.

95 SeoulMates created a topic of 1 to 10

There’s another manhwa where mc was promiscuous but he couldn’t bring himself to tell ml about his intimate life and that caused them to take a break (idk what things are like rn since I haven’t read it in a few months but they’re endgame I believe).

95 SeoulMates created a topic of 1 to 10

Hold up so Jungseok has been crushing on Gunjoon since early uni (I think that’s when he had longer hair but I don’t remember tbh)
Stopppp that’s mad cute.

95 SeoulMates created a topic of 1 to 10

with that face I’d say he’s a 6/10, but with that personality, that brings him down to an undateable/unmarriable/unf**kable -2/10

Edit: it has come to my attention that I was being too nice. He’s officially a tacky 3/10 with his loan shark looking self.

95 SeoulMates created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

When will Cirrus’ fuckass father realize he was the problem this whole time.
Less important side note but I wonder if his dad will ever find out about what happened with Cirrus’ elementary school teacher.

95 SeoulMates created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Love that my favorite besties made up uwu

all it took was one chapter for me to grow fond of Arsene

Kallian probably sent a horse or someone to pick him up and he probably told him to law low for a while so they can play pretend that the guy at the end kidnapped him so he can be exposed and punished so Silike’s plans can be ruined even more

95 SeoulMates created a topic of 1 to 10

this seungwoo guy is either going to be key to resolving their lack of communication, or it might make their lack of communication worse. Either way things are going to be interesting

95 SeoulMates created a topic of 1 to 10

honestly ml feels almost businessy at times and it almost feels like how I am. I know it’s proper etiquette to call back but I’ve gotten lazy/my time has gotten occupied by too many things, that I text first to see if whatever they needed was worth a call back or they might be busy too and I don’t want to interrupt smth important by phoning

95 SeoulMates created a topic of 1 to 10

Oh so he’s crazy crazy. We’ll finally get to see how this lowkey stalker looks like next ch and I have a feeling he’s going to have an insane face card. I’m kinda scared bc I’m probably going to question my morals for a little while

95 SeoulMates created a topic of Jinx

I’d like to thank Mingwa for giving Joo a different hairstyle and for giving him black eyeliner (dark circles diminishing really) bc it looks so good on him

95 SeoulMates created a topic of Jinx

Joo Jaekyung hasn’t changed a single bit despite all this time away from Kim Dan

How can he be forgiven that easily?? I understand that he loves him but shouldn’t be have him begging for forgiveness since you know Inseob is even giving him the chance to be forgiven??

95 SeoulMates created a topic of Jinx

Jaekyung hasn’t suffered enough but Dan certainly has, so I see why they reunited when they did (it seems like at least a month has gone by?). That being said, I don’t think Jaekyung’s suffering will end here, if anything it’s just going to change form bc Dan doesn’t want to go back to Seoul for reasons mainly unrelated to Jaekyung. Jaekyung knows he needs Dan but Dan actually doesn’t need him bc Dan’s issue right now isn’t Jaekyung, it’s an internal issue with self love & knowing how to balance work with life battling against wanting to be there for someone that has been there for him his whole life & fearing the thought of being alone. Jaekyung also has an internal issue he needs to solve but if he wants Dan to be there for him the way Jaekyung needs him to be (in more ways than one), Jaekyung is going to have to help Dan out and no not with money like he usually does. But that means Jaekyung needs to be able to address emotions without getting angry.

But god knows how long that shit is going to take bc Jaekyung would rather watch paint dry than talk about his own emotions or traumas.

And my dumbass will be here waiting for that to happen bc I love suffering ig