If it ain’t one thing, it’s another. I hope this doesn’t cause Inseob’s freedom to be restricted in order to keep him safe

95 SeoulMates created a topic of 1 to 10

Gunjoon really needs to just talk to him. I can’t stand this lack of communication between these twoooo

95 SeoulMates created a topic of Jinx

I’m living for KD getting it all off his chest hell yeah

95 SeoulMates created a topic of Jinx

“Yes I’m done”, FINALLY HE SAID IT

95 SeoulMates created a topic of Jinx

KD literally told him to stfu mid f*ck

I wonder how things will turn out now that someone important and powerful that wasn’t supposed to die, is now going to live. Also, the disharmony that Yeon felt within her dad, I hope that doesn’t mean he’s sick or anything

Wait hold up so looking back to Ch 1, the kid that gifted her the flowers isn’t a love interest? Damn.

95 SeoulMates created a topic of Toxin

“He looks at me like a dog in heat”
My guy he quite literally HATES you

Bro why did the artist change the way they drew their faces. There eyes and eyebrows feel so unfeeling and void of life now.

95 SeoulMates created a topic of Toxin

Oof. Makes things even harder. At first I was fine with the black martial emperor just dying but now I kind of feel for him. He might want live with mc but mc can never be happy with him

95 SeoulMates created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Cirrus said no either bc he 1) has midterms tomorrow or 2) doesn’t want to bottom

95 SeoulMates created a topic of Lost in the Cloud

Honestly I thought Cirrus would go to the states and come back during uni while Skylar went off to do his military service or after uni and then we’d see them matured and ready to be together again by resolving their issues. Genuinely thought we were going to get another 100 episodes. But I’m also kind of exhausted from the angst so this ending is fine. Looking forward to the special episode!!

What ch is Mr. Kim referring to? Sometimes authors add a side note for what ch to reference but bummer ig not this times around

95 SeoulMates followed a goer

I'm busy so I cannot entertain you. I'm collecting reads for my list but dunno when I'm going to read them.

20 02,2025
95 SeoulMates created a topic of Jinx

I actually laughed when his shit said boing

95 SeoulMates created a topic of Jinx

The way that JJ never kissed his partners until the Dr suggested it. And now that KD doesn’t want to, JJ does it bc he actually enjoys kissing now. Crazy work.

95 SeoulMates created a topic of Toxin

I don’t know what kind of happy ending I was expecting when I started reading

This chapter was freaking beautiful but I can’t help but still doubt Wooyeon. Because how tf are we going to go from him damn near ready to k*ll Inseob to them mutually confessing and being genuine and in love?

If I know anything about fantasy, it’s that the cat is secretly powerful. Ain’t no way it isn’t especially since it has heterochromia