I completely forgot that Fargo had expressed interest in doing a spin off focusing on Byul’s story as a young adult. It took years but we’re finally here, ahh the nostalgia is real yall. If You Hate Me So and Love is an Illusion were some of the first BL works I liked in high school when I started getting into manhwas/webtoons back in 2017/2018. Crazy how fast time flies.
I took 2ish hours to reread Love is an Illusion and The Queen to refresh my memory and catch up on the lore bc I forgot quite a bit of the story in all honesty. If anyone is interested, Siwoo’s and Byul’s first and only mention as a duo in the core works was ch 5 in Love is an Illusion: The Queen.

I can’t believe that I was waiting adamantly for the official translation due to the unofficial one being awful, only to find out that the official translation has such cringe dialogue??? The fck?
I’ll keep reading tho bc I’m hoping their relationship will become healthier, Yoonwon will get help, and Won Dae will come to love himself. But that’s a long shot bc I know damn well how these depraved manhwas turn out.

When I heard these two were from Save the Dae, I thought the blonde one was Won Dae’s blonde friend Yeonhoo, I didn’t realize these two were Yoonwon’s brothers. I thought Yoonwon was fcked up (I do feel rlly bad for him but that doesn’t excuse his behavior or personality), but his older and young brothers take the cake.
Regarding both Spilled Blood and Save the Dae:
Art is gorgeous, the plot could have more substance (Yoonwon’s and Won Dae’s personalities don’t seem consistent at all), and the dialogue gets incredibly cringe.
An absolute shame that if the Goo’s parents actually loved each other and gave their kids a quality childhood and had the step-brother’s blood family done the same for him, none of this fcked up shit would’ve happened.
Author needs some major therapy bc it takes a certain kind of fcked up to think up these kinds of stories. I need to read something normal and cute to cleanse my eyes and mind bc Jesus Christ.

Art is gorgeous and they’re both pretty as hell but I wish there would’ve been some build up/premise to them fucking? I wish we would’ve started back with his childhood story or smth showing how he got to know his family serves a deity and this moment right now would be 30-50 chs in or smth. I like substance to my bls, not just the spicy stuff. I hope the author has more plot in store for us.
Personally excited for Joo Jaekyung’s childhood story and him improving, but who knows how far off that will be