I feel like a lot of stuff is happening very quickly but there's no set up or world building or story telling. I find it interesting right now but I feel like something is missing? I can't explain it.
It's so cute the way he takes care of those baby animals. He's their safe space.
I really like the way that her family made her understand what upset them. They know that she's lacking in that space and expressed themselves fully and emotionally to help her grow and show her what love really is.
I know Cliff is but I wasn’t sure how much influence the author has over Lize.
The relief I felt when he arrived. I hope he’s strong and healed enough to fuck this bitch up.
He won't let her speak. And she won't say what' son her mind. It's the same back and forth over and over again of her wanting to tell him that her father didn't care for her and shit. I wish she would just come out and say it. I understand her fears and speech impediment but I really need her to just fucking say what's on her mind. Conversely, he doesn't give her room to say shit. They're just both so dumb sometimes.
I mean the back and forth is kind of ridiculous
Honestly they should have just had a happy ending after she had the baby. Why are they dragging this shit out?
I'm glad the witch showed up. It's time to show these boys how deranged they both are.