Sazz's experience ( All 2 )

Here are some screenshots from the comments of photos of an Elementary school student. Based on the Japanese woman that provided the source, it is a common occurrence for adult men to make sexual comments (not only on the internet) towards children, with the Japanese Police doing nothing about it. These same men are the same that glorify 'fanservic......   11 reply
26 09,2024
My mom doesn't even know there is a thing such as boy x boy romance on manga XD That's why she lets me read them with no fear. She thinks that manga is all about pure romance and magical creatures just because she has watched Pockemon before... And that's what i make her believe all these years. I didn't lie to her. When she asked me if i read mang......   1 reply
27 08,2017

Sazz's answer ( All 153 )

about question
I'm still a student. I study psychology tehe~   3 reply
6 days
about question
6 days
  1 reply
6 days
about question
To turn invisible at will and by that i mean not only make my form disappear but also become scentless, soundless and able to pass through objects.   reply
17 days
about question
The love-stage anime and a Vampire Knight dj   reply
28 days

Sazz's question ( All 5 )

about question
For those of you that know about this recent scandal with Saeron and that pedo Korean actor, have you noticed how many people, a lot of them WOMEN defend him despite the proof of him dating a 15year old child when he was pushing his 30s? Many of them even needed an explanation on why an adult dating a child is wrong and why is 'grooming' considered bad. I do also recognise that some of these defenders were minors but many of them were ADULTS which is so fucked up i felt beyond disturbed. I'm losing faith in humanity. How much of a piece of shit do you have to be to defend a child predator just because he's handsome? Not to mention the disgusting creeps that even used the hebephilia card as if this makes it any less appalling or changes the fact that he groomed a minor. She was BARELY 15 on the international age.
11 days
about question
I seriously need to get this out of my chest:
I eat pasta with mayonnaise, the Hellmanns one specifically.
20 02,2025
I use an ipad 10th gen to read manga but my sis prefers her laptop. What device are you guys using?
11 02,2025
(we need this after the other questionable posts)
30 05,2024
about question
23 05,2024
If you go to uni what's your major and do you feel satisfied with your choice?
23 05,2024

People are doing

did finally came out the closet

Kinda? I mean ion really believe in the concept of coming out cuz it's nobody's business but I do tell people if they ask

3 hours
want to do finally came out the closet

Ish. People are still too homophobic

3 hours
did test your personality type

ISTJ like a rare gem

3 hours