Her brother hates her (no sweet home Alabama) but he's obsessed with her eyes so he's afraid she's going to escape solely for this reason. Why? Because they were both born with grey eyes but based on the empire's crown history, only the true, legitimate heir's eyes change to blue color. Everyone expected it'll be him but it was his sister instead. So yeah, while he's jealous and absolutely detests her (hence why he makes her suffer), he also doesn't want to lose the only proof of true, loyal blood. He's basically a blue blood extremist.

Sazz created a topic of Try Begging

I would play dumb to earn time like "What is even this?" Her shocked reaction confirmed it because they didn't get to actually investigate her yet.

Sazz shared experience about read 1000 manga or more
Here are some screenshots from the comments of photos of an Elementary school student. Based on the Japanese woman that provided the source, it is a common occurrence for adult men to make sexual comments (not only on the internet) towards children, with the Japanese Police doing nothing about it. These same men are the same that glorify 'fanservic......
Sazz created a topic of LOVE ME AGAIN

What mc did is NOTHING in comparison to what ml does to a currently disabled person(I'm sorry for saying it like that, but it is what it is) . He needs proper psychiatric help not a fucking sociopath. Ml is a piece of trash, period. And i love how he calls mc selfish when he's a 100000 times more selfish than he is. What he does is so disgusting that i want to pull out my hair every time i see him abusing mc. Oh, and what he did at the very start IS rape. Mc kept on telling him to stop. What he does now is ALSO rape. Coercive rape by forcing him to be with him or he threatens he'll drop his career or die with He's fucking manipulating and gashlighting him until the very end. He literally fucking played with a person that remembers nothing yet pulls the Pikachu face every time he sees him getting a seizure or fainting. Fuck him, he doesn't deserve redemption. And truthfully, i enjoyed it when he told him 'Now i know why i left a person like you'. Oh, and the uke is NOT pathetic like some people here say. Try getting in his fucking shoes, consumed by guilt for everyone about things he doesn't even remember. He feels pushed into a wall.

Sazz created a topic of Bad Life

They raped him while he was unconscious and he DIDN'T find out until he saw photos they took of him. He'll get gang raped until he wants to die by 10+ people and oh, they'll have a horse almost rape him. Yes, you read that right. EVERYONE in this school is a fucked up lowlife. I'm dropping and nope, the psychological horror is below average. This story is just violent for the sake of being violent, it's a boring copy paste of the other extremely fucked up yaoi out there. It's something like 'No reason'. So let's not give props to authors that lack creativity and simply create something as violent as possible for shock value since they can't actually think of something original. It's an uninteresting story with uninteresting characters and Insert every possible way someone can get raped and voila! This abomination was created. Had this had rape as means to add to the already interesting plot and characters, i would like it, because this would actually mean it's an interesting story. This one is simply not. I regret wasting my free time to this.

Sazz created a topic of No Reason

I wish i could get inside this webtoon just to kill this worthless blonde waste of space. No, not all people's lives are equal, not all deserve to live. For example the blond rat doesn't deserve life because he's nothing by nature's abomination. He should get castrated with the traditional chainsaw way, then assaulted the same way he assaulted and keeps on assaulting mc. He shouldn't die immediately. His death should be slow and painful.

And what exactly is the redemption? So we're going to just ignore what he did to her? Are we serious? Why should she end up with that lowly STD infested male rat? Can't he just fuck himself until his dick rots and falls off? I'm furious right now. Another privileged ml not facing the consequences of his actions just because he realized he's suddenly in love with the person he treat like shit. Disgusting. All he is, is a filthy hypocrite that used her(he INTENTIONALLY kept on sleeping with her to create a scandal), a miserable, poor girl that was literally constantly abused by his equally disgusting sister. He didn't see her as a human being when she was a maid but as an expendable object with no feelings. And once she conveniently became the sister of the queen, without feeling ANY regret aside from the fact that he couldn't immediately have her, he ends up with her. I just want to barf. He doesn't feel sorry about anyone but himself yet he SOOOOO loves to play the innocent kind guy in comparison to his sister. If i was such a sorry excuse of a human being like him, I'd kill myself to protect the world from the stench of my disgusting behavior.

Sazz created a topic of My Beloved Oppressor

Ryan is someone who actually sees her for who she is and not as some idealized version like her ex husband. Hell, most people that actually met her are seeing her for who she is without prejudice, which is tragic, considering the person she was married to didn't even try to understand her and was only controlled by feelings of misguided hatred.

Annette at least tries to correct her wrongs (she never even committed in the first place) and become a better version of herself while Heiner is still stuck in the past, in a constant state of cognitive dissonance.

Sazz created a topic of Black Chain

Selfish until the end. The least he could do was ignore her like he did in the previous life and let her go. He should be pleased with he just her being alive so that his selfish ass doesn't go insane due to the mate bond. He shouldn't expect her to be with him. He didn't respect her in the previous life and he doesn't respect her now. Her feelings don't matter to him, he only cares about himself.

Sazz created a topic of Dreadful Night

When he said the word teabag, i got ptsd flashbacks from dead by daylight

Sazz created a topic of High Society

Did the manwhore just call her disgusting? Lol He really has no self awareness

Sazz created a topic of Tears on a Withered Flower

Guys, no. Ml shouldn't kill him, he should make him off himself instead. Much more satisfying.

The other girl better not believe the lies he's telling about mc. She clearly heard him stating "Why are you home so early?".

Also, the fact that he was getting some sick enjoyment from the fact that he was sleeping around in the house that MC is working hard to maintain... Just eww, he's so revolting that i literally gag everytime i see his face in a panel. I want him to come back, find the house empty and then shoulder all the debt by himself. I'm pretty sure that ml has the connections to transfer the debt to him. I feel so much hatred, i literally want him to off himself from desperation, he doesn't deserve to live. And I'm not saying this just because he cheated, but because he was gashlighting and taking advantage of a vulnerable person for years. Because even after he was caught, he threw the blame to mc. Like his attitude is so sickening it's impressive. He's just another level of subhuman. His lungs and organs could be used on a person that actually contributes in society. I literally got ptsd reading this because I've been the victim of a damn narcissist before and he's literally the definition of it.

Sazz created a topic of Paradise Intruder

Ml is trash that sacrificed all the poor people, including fl's mother to raise himself in the ranks, in other words to gain power. He's supposedly obsessed with fl but he left her behind, orphaned. There's absolutely nothing satisfying about this, we have to endure sex scenes with a piece of trash that feels zero regret and uses fl like a sex slave. Disgusted, that's all i was reading this crap. The author also tries really hard to make fl appear strong when all she is during the whole story is dumb. Oh, add grooming to this because he fell in 'love' with her (if he's even capable of that) when fl was a child and he was a whole ass adult and they spent time together until she 'grew' up. Creepy as fuck.

Sazz created a topic of PREDATOR

Ml is an alien that was working in the lab undercover from what i understood from the raws. His real space suit is fucking hot lol He was obviously the one who killed everyone and he has the ability to alter memories. The story contains mpreg as well, so be prepared lol

Sazz created a topic of Antidote (Harusari)

It gets worse. This piece of trash will leave mc with a limp. Also he's going to sexually assault him... Literally cried reading the raws. Ml is basically like a safe space to mc (although ml is kind of suspicious as well). It gets so scary every time we get a scene with this green eyed demon, he's like a bomb about to burst. Someone kill him already

Sazz created a topic of Antidote (Harusari)

No matter what you do Lister rat, you're never going to get him beg for your sorry ass. Never. You better accept it as soon as you can.

That aside, I'm really impressed by how realistically an abuser is represented here. They often act like they're sorry but they keep on abusing until it eventually gets even worse.

Also, the feeling of bugs crawling in your skin and brain is a very common side effect of drug use. This obsessive green eyed fucker is definitely connected to mc's incident and is taking advantage of him. These drugs are definitely not helping him.

Sazz created a topic of Take Two

I hate how she started blushing at his excuses, she's annoyingly naive for her age. I'd be like "Alright, now would you mind stopping it with the informal speech? We're just colleagues" and erase him from my life. He wouldn't be deserving of even a sec of thought. If that motherfucker was indeed sorry over something he did in the past and that was the only reason he didn't want to date, he should have made it clear from the start instead of playing with someone obviously naive and inexperienced. Zero excuses. I'll just read a few more chapters to see if fl will have character development and grow some self respect. If it turns out to be futile, I'll drop

Sazz created a topic of Run Away, From Me

There's no happy ending, fl will be miserable forever. The novel has overwhelmingly negative comments in Korean websites. Ml is a psychopath that doesn't see her and never will as a human. She'll never love him and will end up miserable with him until she gives birth to his child which will be a carbon copy of the bastard. In result, she'll also never be able to love her child because it will remind her of the obsessive monster she was forced to be with. Ml is irredeemable, he only cares about his personal pleasure, nothing else. He sees her as an object with all the meaning of the word and seeing her insecure and helpless pleases him. He wants to be above her, superior and with her being nothing but the old towel he uses to clean his shoes. He's an absolutely not sugarcoated malignant narcissistic, devoid of the emotions that makes us human. Oh, and he's not romanticized for the female gaze, he's straight up icky and horrible. Simply unpalatable to me and i read plenty of dark romance stories.

Sazz created a topic of Run Away, From Me

Ah yes "What an interesting woman! She feeds my narcissistic need to feel above someone because deep down I'm an extremely insecure little fuck"