Sazz answered question about question
Tiramisu. I lost three kg(i really didn't need to lose, it was due to stress and lack of appetite) and now i'm really tempted to gain them back in a really unhealthy way.
Sazz asked a question

I don't care if it's bl or straight, i just want a specific dynamic: I want ml to be a tough person that straight up bullies or treats badly his love interest because he can't admit his feelings. I want him to be violently possessive(low impulse control leading to threats or violence towards their interest or the people associated with them due to jealousy) even though he's not in a relationship with the person he targets. I want a dramatic, psychological story that will frustrate and anger me for the sake of mc and the unfair treatment they get from the pos that happens to like them. (Basically someone like that side character pos from Eighteen's bed).

Thanks in advance!

Sazz created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus

Wow the author is a professional at edging

Sazz created a topic of Precious Thing

"I hate when people pretend to care for me after they hurt me". Exactly. Spot on. That's how abusers behave, they hurt you and in their mind it's discipline. It's not. They will hurt you again. Don't let them gashlight you into thinking that you deserve abuse. You don't.

Sazz answered question about question
Sazz answered question about question
Sazz created a topic of A Gloomy Delusion

Mc is so innocent i want to hug him. It ripped my heart to shreds when he started crying about losing memories from his original life.
I kinda dislike ml on the other hand. It doesn't take a genius to recognise that he's a pos with attitude problems. He looks like the type to 'lose it' and beat his lover to pulp. The sex scene kind of made me feel uncomfortable.

Sazz created a topic of Missing Love

After reading sadistic beauty side story which had a shitty ending, i'm glad this one at least gives our broken protagonist the happiness he deserves. But no, i'm not reading this. I don't think i can handle it. It's too painful. Too unfair.

Sazz created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus


Sazz asked question about question

For those of you that know about this recent scandal with Saeron and that pedo Korean actor, have you noticed how many people, a lot of them WOMEN defend him despite the proof of him dating a 15year old child when he was pushing his 30s? Many of them even needed an explanation on why an adult dating a child is wrong and why is 'grooming' considered......

Sazz created a topic of For Better or For Worse

The type of lovestory that makes you wish true love was real

Sazz answered question about question
To turn invisible at will and by that i mean not only make my form disappear but also become scentless, soundless and able to pass through objects.
Sazz created a topic of If You Hate Me So

Gotta love how the person who chocked and brutally raped him is treated like what he did was a slap on the wrist and he gets a happy 'heartfelt' ending with his victim. And this ladies and gentlemen doesn't get the horror tag it deserves, no. It's romance. Mc gets blamed by ml for something he didn't do, without being given a chance to explain himself AT ALL and gets brutally raped for it, with ml justifying being a rapist over the fact that he considers mc a bad person. And for what? Spreading a bad rumor! Lmao, a rapist calls someone who spread a rumor (actually didn't) a bad person. Well, dear ml, guess what gets you jail time. Aside from the obvious assault, he was also making assumptions based on NOTHING but his own bias. And his punishment? A single slap amd they have sex. Literally the ONLY time it was consensual. Dude is so impulsive and violent he's a danger to society.

I won't even comment on the plot which was boring as fuck. The manhwa was nothing but a freaking shitshow.

Sazz created a topic of The Hounds of Sisyphus

NOOO my heart aaaaa He made him cry He cares so much about what mc thinks of him and it's messing with me. Damn it, he's so cute

Sazz answered question about question
Sazz answered question about question
Sazz followed a goer

boom shakalaka

24 02,2025
Sazz followed a goer
24 02,2025
Sazz created a topic of Misunderstanding

What the ml did to mc is coercive and if he sleeps with him, it's going to be rape. Coercive rape. Mc is FORCED to say yes to this relationship because he will lose his job if he says no after this manipulative stunt ml pulled by mentioning their deal in front of mc's supervisors. This is messed up and unfair and ml's past and current situation isn't an excuse. I haven't finished the webtoon yet but i hope they won't brush it off and make mc immediately fall in love as if he wasn't fucking harassed.