the american part threw me in a loop the mfs that shoot up the school half of the time they were sociopaths, not entirely victims

That is a wild thing to say...A lot of school shooter cases involving students who were the shooters stem from them being bullied or having major mental illness that people turned blind eyes too. Not saying what they do isn't wrong but many of them needed serious help and when you're in an awful mental state with the feeling that no one will help you, you resort to the worst. Yeonwoo quite literally explained he almost did the same but he had Junhyuk with him who was one of the only people who knew about his trauma and pulled him out of that state and if he hadn't, Yeonwoo may have been another victim who turned to violence when they felt they had no other alternative.

Nah you stop being a victim the moment you make other people victims, you stop deserving justice about what happened to you when you do injustice to others, you lose your pity privileges and start to be a nuisance for humanity. Victims that start to hurt other people deserve worse punishments than their bullies

Imagine going "boohoo, I'm so pitiful, I am being bullied" while doing terrible things other people. They know how a victim feels from first hand experience, the felt that terror on their own skin, yet they think "it's bad that people did bad things to me, but it's good when I do bad things to others, because I deserve this". If they are completely ok subjecting others to the torture they went through, they don't really deserve pity or justice. That's gross on so many levels

actually only about 1 in 3 school shooters are bullied. not only that, so many people that are bullied that are minorities or have more issues almost NEVER resort to shooting or killing people. I agree, it is a result of negligence and ignored mental health issues and I know how he feels and other people that experienced that, it is common however you aren't the victim the moment you step out those lines, you are equally as bad as the person you are trying to hurt
geniuenly wanna do a deep dive on this author on how many misses he does
r his other works bad?? i mean i thought this one was pretty interesting the ending was disappointing however i heard he was planning to make part 2
he cooked with zankyou