This is such a smart plot.
The whole story revolves around their everyday life but bit by bit their insecurities and difficulties are revealed without being over-dramatic since they tend to read each other's mood so well. I also love how the art reflects their flowery lovey dovey self when together versus when they get mad e.g. Maki's demon face fanning away Luca from Hana (I died reading that panel in chp.1 lol) and also Hana's very serious and determined face when meeting his grandfather. It's a wholesome manga meaning, even though it's all lovey dovey and food (the food is the real MVP lol), it's still very realistic... and pyon. It's tempting to get a pet rabbit lol. Anyhow, the author did so well in setting up this story <3
It might be just me but I miss the old art style. Art-wise the characters might've looked rough but it made the characters more expressive and gave a textured life to the story. It was unique.
I was thinking the art style changed! I felt Takano was previously more defined & now he looks more akin to his teenager body.
Yes, this exactly. Even as I read the latest chapter I was thinking this ><