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If push came ro shove, I gueees I'll bite the bullet and present myself to young Stalin.
fr0pp1 like the answer
Batman is king. I love him so much it’s not even funny. Im typing this on my phone which has a batman case and clutching my batman necklace. I also have batman screen savers. Shirts, backpacks, and room decore. They tell me im to old to have a favorite superhero but they don’t understand. Batman my glorious king you are I and I you. I breathe y......
fr0pp1 like the answer
this is my first time ever writing on this website but, i have this overwhelming desire to make genuine friends. and not just braindead friends that are surface level. i really get drawn to deep connections and creativity; people with a different perspective and philosophies. i don't really know where i'm getting at with this but, i feel alot of p......