I wonder why women are portrayed as evil and/or extremely shallow in bl so often. A lot of bl is written by women, so why do they make their female characters so bad? I can think of so many bls where women are basically just sex toys. Like the hot, rich, and sexy male lead has daily sex with any random woman because they throw themselves at him. The women are just sex objects and status symbols. I wish women would stop writing these tropes. They only reinforce misogynistic ideas about women in society. And this isn't really about this story in particular... I was just reminded of how often I see bad female characters in bl.

And how do you think men are written in GLs? Women fetishize BLs and Gay men so its obvious that there are bad women out there. Besides it's not like ALL women are seen in a bad light in BLs, some are the MCs friends, family, stranger. BL is written for Men centered around men. Whats even wierder is that a women is writing stories about gay male experiences. That's the whole point. Women will be secondary because you aren't the focus of their relationship. Similarly in GLs you see the same trend. Infact, I would argue GLs treat male characters worse that BL treats female characters. Yet I haven't seen any dudes complaining.

Female characters and females in general are perfectly capable of having toxic behaviour. It's like women are the only ones seen in a bad light in BL, have you seen straight men? There are many women who hate homosexualoty and gay men and even more women that sexualise gay male relationships. The biggest example being the biggest consumers of gay male content such as manhwas and films being female...including the creators who also almosg always happen to be women. As of gay content is exclusively for non-sapphic women. It's inevitable that women will be seen in a bad light in BLs similar to how men are seen in bad light in GLs.

No one said that bad women don't exist lmao. And of course there are female characters in bl that aren't bad. It's just that there are a concerning amount of female characters used solely as sex objects or as scheming villains. The moral dilemma around women writing bl is a whole separate topic from the one I brought up. I'm not sure why you're trying to compare how male and female characters are treated in gl/bl. Just because someone mentions a female issue doesn't mean men don't also have issues lol. I don't read much gl so I can't say whether male characters are treated like evil sex objects or not, but I just don't believe they would be to the same extent. Women aren't just secondary in bl... who would complain about women being secondary in a story about men being together?? And I wonder why you haven't seen any dudes complaining. Could it be because they don't get portrayed as poorly as women do? Or because men don't have a threatened position in society, so they take less offense to poor portrayals? Or maybe because there are far less men on this site than women? But who knows! Maybe men are just not complainers like women are (is what I'm assuming you meant).

I think this story needs way more warning for how dark it is. I expected some angst going into it, but I didn't expect this. Reading the chapters about geom getting raped for the first time and then everything that happened after that was painful. I was shocked at the sheer amount of rape scenes that had to be drawn. I don't think all the detailed rape was necessary at all.
People should be warned that this story is just continuous suffering. The wooyeon and geom moments in the beginning and flashback were sweet, but they are overshadowed by all of the horrible things. Literally every single man that geom meets (besides wooyeon) wants to rape him. He's seen as a sex object by every single one of them. Wooyeon has no power or money to save geom, so his situation just seems completely hopeless. I don't think this will have a happy ending at all. I imagine we'll see geom be raped 100 more times and wooyeon will mentally break down and get killed. The silver haired mf will probably kill wooyeon honestly. Just to break geom completely. I'll probably stop reading this and just come back to see how it all ends.

It tells you to proceed with caution before you read it. You made an assumption that it wasn’t going to be that intense & allowed your assumption to become reality. At the end of the day it warned you, no matter how big the warning was, it was there.
The rape scenes are justified because it’s there to show you how many times he had to go through with it to get used to it.

A lot of stories give warnings and TWs, but I've never read one as upsetting as this one. I think its fair to assume that most people reading this didnt know how dark it would actually be. Obviously I made an assumption, but it was based on the facts I was provided with. I just said that it should be more clear that this isn't a normal "dark" story so that people dont assume it is. A story could be called dark if there is murder, or maybe one graphic rape scene. But this is on the extreme end for sure.
And idk if the rape scenes were justified or not. It's not easy to say when art goes too far or if it's justified. To me, I don't think the amount of highly detailed rape was necessary. I think I would've felt pretty disturbed with half the amount of rape portrayed. It just went on and on... the author could've shortened the rape scenes or portrayed them through writing, but instead they were long and every detail was drawn. I guess if the author intended to make the reader feel extremely disturbed, they accomplished it. But idk if I want to continue reading a story that's just constant suffering.
Ngl I do find it quite strange when someone comments something like, “I wish they didn’t draw so much detailed rape” and then some absolute demons swoop in to fight for the author’s right to draw infinite rape. Kind of a weird hill to die on if you ask me…