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natsuki enomoto November 5, 2015 2:42 am

Is it just me or makoto's bro has an incredibly amount of pheromones, he even got the dog and sakura-san blush hahaha, but takeda wasn't affected woooooo

I'm creating an item heeeereee hahahaha ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

natsuki enomoto November 4, 2015 1:37 pm

The rapist guy was such a waste.., cos he's such a hottie too!!! (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

    Kalle November 5, 2015 2:57 am

    My thoughts exactly) It's a shame he's such a jerk))

    natsuki enomoto November 5, 2015 7:55 am

    Yeah, but in stories like these, i just can't stop hoping that the hot jerk would also find a love that can change him, ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ so everyone can be happy!!!

    Positivity~ positivity~~

    Stephens Phantom November 6, 2015 2:36 am

    @Natsuki Enomoto
    He's a rapist blaming his crime and expulsion on the victim whom he inflicted pain and suffering on. And you want a guy like that to find happiness just because he is hot ?
    What a fucked up thing to say. No wonder how many rapists get away scot-free thanks to warped opinions like yours.

    Viira November 6, 2015 3:12 am
    @Natsuki EnomotoHe's a rapist blaming his crime and expulsion on the victim whom he inflicted pain and suffering on. And you want a guy like that to find happiness just because he is hot ? What a fucked up thin... Stephens Phantom

    Thank you! Thats what I was thinking... Seriously guys... how can you say such shallow things? Reading these comments always reminds me of how rampant rape culture is and how belittled it is as a crime.

    kitteh November 7, 2015 4:25 am

    um how exactly is he hot? head check folks, he's a weak-minded RAPIST. i honestly hope you don't judge people soley on their looks. *scared for humanity*

    Kalle November 7, 2015 11:05 am

    It's a YAOI MANGA, if you haven't noticed. What's the humanity to do with it?
    Shallow thing is to judge people on the basis of their art preferences.

    Stephens Phantom November 8, 2015 10:15 am

    It's perfectly fine to like the artwork. So do I.
    But tolerating and embellishing the rapist who does not seem to show any remorse is the another story, which is exactly what you sounded like: rape is okay and the rapist can get away with it as long as he's hot. This destructive message totally undermines the victim's survival.
    Everybody deserves the second chance but he does not seem to deserve any.
    And while I agree that yaoi does not always portray the sense of humanity and romanticism, rape is not okay on anybody.
    Maybe I sound excruciatingly idealistic but victim shaming is still alive and powerful nowadays.
    Not saying you're shallow but I simply disagree on the notion of letting this guy have any happy ending. At least not until he owns up to his crime.

    Kalle November 8, 2015 1:33 pm

    No, I sounded like: the third guy was hot, it's a pity he's a rapist. HE for him is not an option here because even though 80% of yaoi semes are rapists there IS a difference.
    Yes, we dismiss yaoi rape but we're not doing so because we condone or approve of rape in reality, we do it because we're mature enough to know that it's just a plot device and the story is fiction.

    Viira November 8, 2015 9:19 pm
    No, I sounded like: the third guy was hot, it's a pity he's a rapist. HE for him is not an option here because even though 80% of yaoi semes are rapists there IS a difference.Yes, we dismiss yaoi rape but we're... Kalle

    Everyone says that in every post I see about somebody calling out rape in yaoi. "We're old enough to distinguish between fact and fiction". Yeah, yeah, okay. But we say the same thing about rape in the real world. In a college class a couple of weeks ago that I was in we had a rape prevention talk. The whole class of guys critiqued it at the end saying it was unnecessary because all it did was tell us not to rape and we already know not to. Well no shit we know not to. We know its bad. Just like we know its not okay to cheat, lie, and steal. But we do. When we treat the crime like any less of a crime whether it is in real life or fiction or media, we're establishing this thing called rape culture. Dismissing rape in fictional stories is rape culture and contributes a lot to rape culture. So does porn. And we all know porn isn't realistic. YET, here we are dismissing rape and treating it like less of the crime it is in real life still. It was also bad to hear that its "okay because he's hot" even if its fiction because that so closely resembles real life rapists that get away with the crime because they look and act too nice to be bad people or deserve punishment. It also contributes to things like college kids getting away with it because "oh no, but they were such good kids (other than the fact that they committed a crime) this shouldn't control and ruin their whole lives! Don't send them to jail or expel them!!1! (even know they knew what they were doing was a crime and chose to do it anyway thus choosing to risk ruining their lives and somebody else's)"

    Kalle November 8, 2015 11:44 pm

    Viira, I don't know anything about this culture you're writing about, but I get it - it's a sore spot for you, still, what's reality to do with yaoi manga? Let's set a note of infamy on all the yaoi lovers! You're wasting your efforts and time here.

    modragon November 18, 2015 4:45 pm
    Viira, I don't know anything about this culture you're writing about, but I get it - it's a sore spot for you, still, what's reality to do with yaoi manga? Let's set a note of infamy on all the yaoi lovers! You... Kalle

    the issue is when I read a sweet manga with consent, where the seme backs off if the uke isn't ready, there are people in the comments saying its boring because they seme didn't push hard enough despite the uke not being ready.

    It feeds into the idea that having sex=love. and even if it doesn't go so far as to okay rape then it still supports this idea that pushing someone who isn't ready or guilting them/tricking them/ etc is okay.

    Plenty of studies have shown that the aggressive nature of porn really does affect how guys interact with women in real life.

    The same for any media. Even Yaoi manga. Years ago I thought the guy from Hot Gimmick was like the ideal man, it took years of hearing and reading about rape culture to understand that relationship was not healthy and a guy like that is abusive. It DOES affect real life when we defend it.

    Kalle November 18, 2015 6:23 pm
    the issue is when I read a sweet manga with consent, where the seme backs off if the uke isn't ready, there are people in the comments saying its boring because they seme didn't push hard enough despite the uke... modragon

    I'm not among those people. I don't even like any fiction with rape.
    And pardon me but I really doubt a normal man can be that influenced by porn. And I doubt even more that those men read yaoi or any manga whatsoever.

    modragon November 18, 2015 11:02 pm
    I'm not among those people. I don't even like any fiction with rape.And pardon me but I really doubt a normal man can be that influenced by porn. And I doubt even more that those men read yaoi or any manga what... Kalle

    Its more of the fact that its in all media and it not just about sex its about everything. Exposing yourself to an idea and then having the idea accepted or defended repeated over long periods of time can change your own opinion even if you don't notice the change, its so subtle you don't realize how its affected you.

    Its been considered similar to brain washing. Like the more violent movies someone watches the more violence they become able to handle. These things escalate. Just the way abusive relationship start with a honeymoon phase and then theres a slow but gradual escalation in behavior.

    modragon November 18, 2015 11:07 pm
    I'm not among those people. I don't even like any fiction with rape.And pardon me but I really doubt a normal man can be that influenced by porn. And I doubt even more that those men read yaoi or any manga what... Kalle

    Anyway the reason people are bothered by the begining comments is because this DOES happen in reality. Like Madonna husband Sean Penn. He tied her up, assaulted her and she had to be rescued by her help after she broke up with him.

    People still either don't beleive he did it, or don't care because hes "Hot" and they "love his acting". It creates an idea that we can excuse behavior is the person is "worthy" of being excused. Which is bullshit.

    natsuki enomoto November 20, 2015 5:07 pm

    Woah, i never imagined that i would bother people on my earlier remarks. Btw, when commenting on yaoi mangas i have a pretense of always being positive and happy because i love reading yaoi so much and i appreciate each work no matter what plot it has. I'm a wide ranged reader in yaoi so i've read so many mangas similar and more complex that this one, but let me just say that, I AM A FEMALE, AND OF COURSE I DESPISE RAPE. I DEFINITELY DID NOT SAY THAT IT'S OKAY TO RAPE SOMEONE AS LONG AS HE'S HOT, I WAS MERELY APPRECIATING THE ART OF THE AUTHOR AND BRINGING SUCH CHARACTER DESIGN INTO A WASTE IS A WASTE.

    and saying that i wish that he had a happy ending, i really meant that. And i also meant that i wish he would meet someone that could CHANGE him to be better and it's in the author's prerogative to include the corporate punishment for the act he has done to change him. I only wish that at the end of the story, he would receive an acceptance from someone and i'm not expecting forgiveness from everyone because it really IS wrong.

    It really is sad to know that you can never have forgiveness from other people. And if the author permits the character to be sorry for his crime, it would be great if he finds someone who could accept him because forgiveness from other people is impossible.

    I'm really not a person who would go in depth to explain myself, it's just that it feels so wrong that people actually think i approve of rape based on so little words.

    Thanks kalle for stating some points about liking the author's art and i'm sorry for the people i've offended.

    Let's stay happy :)))

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