kickassfu's feed

kickassfu created a topic of The Man Who Can't Taste

he wasn't tempted to cheat? he was tempted to break up with inwoo and date the other dude instead because it would be easier. and i know that's a shitty thing to say and feel. but like lol we're human beings. we think and feel shitty things, as he said it was like an automatic thought. especially after having a fight with inwoo, he'll obviously feel like a relationship with someone else would be "easier".

inwoo has issues. jihoo has issues. they both need to solve their shit, and they both need to learn how to communicate. no one is perfect. not these characters and not y'all.

and i think y'all are skewing things by calling the other dude his ex. they were friends. yeah they fucked but they were mainly friends, they never dated. i'm not saying he did the right thing going to his house, especially when the other dude did confess to him lol but like if you need a shoulder to cry on and a friend comes along the way, you're probably not thinking about all the other bs and you take the comfort they offer.

he didn't cheat. he didn't even think about cheating. but everyone's interpretations are their own and i'm not gonna argue with that ig. and if this made you feel differently about jihoo that's fair too. but they're both flawed characters that have been fucking up constantly lol

idk why i keep rambling today jfc