gjord why haven't you killed that bitch yet? you fucked up his knee? you should've fucked up his brain!!! bust his head open my dude WTF AHHHHHHHHHHH
and lysbet is not doing enough. you know your brother is mistreating him, maybe you don't know how much but....you actually believed him when he said he just twisted his ankle? come on.
i just wanna see someone beat the shit out of lister. pls.
also just theories. i don't think he's going mad at all? but also the idea of a fucking bug in your brain ughhh. i wonder why he killed his dad, IF he even actually killed his dad. and 100% lister is giving him medicine to make him forget gjord, and not for the actual madness. also also if he's a slave can't gjord just buy him and free him? just asking.
i love this so much already but i just!!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT MORE!!! and i need lister to suffer.