I want a relationship like this...where are the otakus around me?! Pls...? No? ok...

Exactly!!! I truly wish that'd happen...I mean even if the person doesn't like manga/anime, as long as he likes movies and tv shows...or music! Just someone who has something in common with me...and doesn't look at me weird for laughing like a maniac or crying when reading manga, that'd be perfect lol well wtv, if it has to happen it will :P

When something seems too good to be true in kuroshitsuji, its because it is lol The moment that dude invited Edward I knew something fishy was happening and when I actually saw the party and saw it was good and nice...oops something bad's happening. Is it some kind of cult? Lizzy wouldn't just leave the house. And I don't know why everyone is hating on Lizzy, yes I wanna know what the undertaker did but Lizzy leaving the house is also important.

Is...is Kaneki back? I don't know why...that movement just reminded me of him...I truly felt like it was him...? I hope he comes back for at least 1 minute *cries* I miss him.

As they are the same person with different memories, I'll leave you some pages where he does that movement while being Kaneki and Sasaki:
He likes to use his legs and tights... and we love it!

You didn't have to go out of your way to prove me wrong *cries* I was just hoping he'd come back...it was a feeling I had and now I'm sad...because you shattered my hope. But yeah I wasn't really expecting it to be true :/ sadly. Still thanks for actually going through the trouble of answering me, pretty cool of you ^^ It's still a pretty badass move and I love Kaneki!!!

Oh, no, no. That wasn't my intention. Please don't be sad...
Hahaha, I began to write before reading it all. You're welcome >U<
I love him too.
I'm not really sure if they are the same person or not, because now I see it as him losing his memories, but if it is something like multiple personalities (I need to study that to understand it), I... I... I just hope they both will be well... :'(

I think they are the same person, not different personalities. I mean if you take Kaneki's memories away and put him in a new environment as a ghoul investigator he would turn out like Haise, because at the center of Kaneki is a really kind boy who's trying to protect everyone but especially the people he loves. So they are the same person...at least that's what I thought until you said that...now I'm not sure anymore...I mean Haise has been seeing Kaneki in his mind, which I thought it was a manifestation of his memories, trying to come back but now I can't be sure. I just really miss him :( I love Haise, but he's incomplete, he doesn't remember what he went through, he doesn't remember his loved ones...and it's heartbreaking. But some memories are seeping through, so maybe Kaneki isn't that far off from returning...hopefully. Sorry for the huge answer lol

There is no need to apologize. Thank you for your reply :)
I prefer to think he lost his memories. But sometimes I have my doubts, because Kaneki and Sasaki have said "I might dissapear" a few times.
However, I've seen this way of approaching the "lost memory" topic in other manga: "if I get my memories back, it would mean I would lose the ones that I've now". Does it really work like that in RL?
I also hope he can remember. It would be awful if he remembered too late... (after killing/hurting the ones he loves).

Yeah, you're right...they sometimes make it seem like they aren't the same person.
No, I'm pretty sure that's not how it works. But the feeling that Haise has is probably if the memories come back he would no longer exist...because in the end he is Kaneki. Not sure if things are that simple, I'm pretty sure if the memories do come back, now he wouldn't be Kaneki nor Haise but a combination of the two...maybe.
But that's the feeling I get, that maybe he'll only remember after he does something really bad to someone he cares about...but hopefully the mangaka won't make us go through that!!

Dude mind your own fucking business...seriously...you're starting to annoy the fuck out of me. Honestly I don't even feel like reading the rest of the manga because of just one fucking character. But I know I'll read it anyway...

Well I mean there are more annoying characters out there. From the few scenes he's had I see him as the blunt friend who is just offering his advice and help. He isn't going after the seme but rather just wants to be friends back in America. And the whole moving out thing was going to happen eventually; I think he was nice to find such a cheap apartment and it's not like he was forceful. Just blunt, he even said something like "you said you were going to move out right". Not forceful or annoying per say just trying to help frankly. Wants to make sure his friend isn't hurt again but at the same time he isn't overly invasive.

Oh I know there are more annoying characters xD So much so that I do drop mangas because of them...but this one is bugging me even if he hasn't done anything much. Maybe it's because he's going behind his friend's back, maybe it's because he's hurting the uke's feelings over and over again. It's awful, he lost his house...that shit takes its toll on someone, and when he finally starts feeling comfortable and happy he just swoops in and destroys all that. And I'm not sure if he's trying to help at all...I do think he's going after the seme. In my opinion he is being way overly invasive, how can you say he's not? If a "friend" of mine went behind my back and hurt the person I loved, I'd be fucking pissed. And even if the moving out thing was eventually gonna happen, it's really none of his business.
Btw I don't want to seem rude or forceful, I'm just stating my opinion lol we all have a right to an opinion, ours are just different.

I agree. He has crossed the friend line with his invasiveness.

Oh no...and here I thought I'd be fine with it. I'm fine with fucked up shit, 'cause I've read plenty of it. Asshole, selfish guys that do all they can to get what they want...which is what I thought this manga was...but then that last page hit me like fucking train. He regretted it, he actually regretted hurting them both...and I shouldn't feel bad for him, 'cause he is an asshole, but I do. And technically he did not make the other dude say those things, sure he put them in his head, but...it was his bad for rejecting the friend and calling him gross. All in all, I think I'd prefer it if they all went their separate ways and found someone else....sorry for my weird rant :/ Just fuck...wow...

It'd been better if the taller one found someone else to love and the other 2 actually in love to hook up. But no, the main couple will be in a sad cycle. They should just have a 3sum, thats their best solution.

I think you guys are misunderstanding the situation, older brother likes younger brother, younger brother likes okuzami. He only told him not to aproach the older brother because he thought his nii-san liked okuzami and so didn't want them to meet up. And the older brother totally knew his younger brother had a thing for okuzami so he interfered. Or at least that's my positive outlook on things. Still I'm not really into this manga, right now i guess i wanted something cute lol

You're right, I read the raw and it is pretty much that.

I'd typically agree with that scenario--it's common enough; but, the way the younger expresses himself to Okuzami just doesn't mesh. Sure, we've been introduced to the idea that he's poor at expressing himself; but, at the same time, he's demonstrated that he goes to extra lengths for someone he treasures (aka the entire premise thus far), so....
So I'm re-reading this and came to a great realization paper is fucking dangerous...Kaneki can't cut himself with a kitchen knife, the knife literally bends...BUT he can get a motherfucking papercut...paper can cut him and make him bleed but a knife can't...I've always known paper is evil, guys watch out...you might be its next victim lol But seriously, how does that even work?