Am i the only one thinking that this sensei is a serious asshole? He breaks up with her multiple times, and making the excuse that it's for her, or that he is afraid to lose her. That's so selfish, if you ask me. He's only protecting himself, and not thinking about her feelings at all. He breaks her heart time after time, flirting with students and acting like a huge manwhore. She broke up with him ones, yes, but thats because she started to hate herself for becoming a hateful person, or so she thought. And again, he didn't stop her, like a adult should do, and talk it out. Not becoming a cold prick, that's so childish.
Does anyone know from which manga this couple is from?
(I mean the main couple, with the red head)
It's Hadakeru Kaibutsu by Ogerestu Tanaka
Tbh, i hate relationships like this. And people can say, that a person can "love more than one person" but then why do i only see male x 1+ wives, and never the other way around (only with open relationships of course, and maybe they exist, but the amount of male x more wives is definitely bigger than the other way around). Hate me all you want, but for me, it only looks like a sex paradise for the male. The only doable thing is loving 2 people, but only barley. I've been in love 2 times in a row, and it was pretty serious for me, even when it's over i can still love a person for months, but i never loved them at the same time. Because when i fell in love, hard, i couldn't focus on the previous love. (by the way, it was pure coincidence that i fell in love so fast, and i never cheated what so ever and i've only been in love 2 times in my life and 1 time unrequited).
Am i the only one, that when i fall in love, can only focus on 1 person?
I don't believe he loves all three of them. And those guys with multiple wives, trust me, he probably wanted some younger hottie and got tired of the "worn out" older wife. For the women, as long as they don't really love the man, it can work . They share housework and child-rearing--if they think of each other as friends or sisters. But if there is heart involved, there will be jealousy and score-keeping and rivalry.
It makes much more sense to me to have One wife and a lot of husbands. They can all work and she has the kiddies and that means a lot of income. Better standard of living.
>> I don't believe he loves all three of them. <<
What are you basing this accusation on that isn't rooted in your personal bias?
>> And those guys with multiple wives, trust me, he probably wanted some younger hottie and got tired of the "worn out" older wife. <<
Wow, judgmental much? As an outsider with superficial knowledge about the relationships of "those guys", are you really in a position to decry someone else's feelings?
There have certainly been cases of abuse in polygamy, such as with Warren Jeffs, but all types of relationships are susceptible to disingenuous behavior. You don't judge all by the few unless you want to live in the realm of prejudice and bigotry.
>> Tbh, i hate relationships like this. <<
Hate is a strong word. Ever heard of live and let live?
>> why do i only see male x 1+ wives, and never the other way around <<
Not true, you just haven't looked hard enough. Look up polyandry:
Surprisingly, there were several cultures where polyandry was far more common than polygyny. Some cultures believed a child could have more than one father, while others kept land within the family and undivided by restricting brothers to one group wife.
Now, why would polygyny be more common than polyandry? Religions aside, I'd say there are 2 rationales caused by 1 fact: Men and women are biologically different. As a result of those differences:
1. Only women can become pregnant.
2. The libido of men is much stronger.
1. Pregnancy
The basic drive underpinning nearly all of our actions is reproduction. We wouldn't exist without it. Those who don't have it, or not enough of it, such as through some degree of mutation, don't usually have children and thus don't pass on their genes, and by natural selection most people have this drive. And it is *strong*. It has to be, because, for humans especially, it is a significant investment of resources and fraught with dangers.
Only women can get pregnant, though. Once fertilized, she generally cannot conceive with anyone else until her current pregnancy reaches a resolution, and that can be as long as ten months. The longest on record is from 1945 at 375 days.
The most children birthed by one woman is over 60, depending on the authenticity of accounts from the 1700's. By comparison, Genghis Khan is said to have fathered at least 1,000-2,000 children, way beyond the reproductive capacity of any single woman, and genetic testing shows he is the ancestor of 0.5% of the world's population.
In a harem, a man can impregnate all his wives simultaneously. In a "reverse harem", a man would have to 'wait in line' for up to as many years as the woman has husbands. If she were like Solomon, with a royal harem of 300, most of the men would have died childless.
2. Sex Drive
Testosterone is a primary hormone behind the human sex drive, and men produce 20 times as much compared to women. If you are a woman who gets extremely horny every day you have a very special sex drive that would make many men happy. For most women, especially as they get older, their drive pales in comparison to the male libido.
If a husband is horny every single day, and his wife is only horny once a month due to ovulation, one of them is making a sacrifice to meet the other's need.
Compared to any other need for your mental well-being, be it comfort, entertainment, or socializing, intimacy is the one and only thing strictly reserved to your significant other in our current society. With anything else, if you need more, you are allowed to get it elsewhere. Massages ("Spa day!"), chatting ("I tell my BFF things I would never tell my husband!"), going out to parties ("Girl's night out!"), these are not exclusive. If you are not getting enough sex, though, or your partner wants more sex than you feel up to, this creates a difficult problem that often results in one of the two at a loss and sometimes feeling resentful or depressed.
In a harem, the one with a disproportionately higher libido can distribute it across several mates with lower sex drives. The needs of all can be better satisfied, and by keeping the promiscuity limited to a closed marriage of polygamy, outside diseases are prevented and pregnancies are guaranteed to be supported.
The way you phrased "it only looks like a sex paradise for the male" makes me wonder how healthy your view of sex is. What I am focused on is your use of "only", both indicating a disdain for sex by looking down on it (eg. "It's only sex" -- You're here because of it, y'know) as well as a lack of consideration for all the other benefits and securities a larger family can provide, such as:
1. Childcare: Rearing children is demanding work. When a baby is screaming late into the night from colic, and you're exhausted and have to work early the next morning, having more than one other person to tag in is a huge, huge relief.
2. Finances: Babies aren't cheap. Unlike many past cultures, women can work and earn just as much as men, so the financial burden is not necessarily placed on one individual. Consolidated income from multiple people has significant impact. Housing, food, appliances, furniture, if everyone was in a separate relationship they'd all be spending more money by buying copies of the same stuff. You could take that money and put it in your child's college fund instead.
3. Lifelong Friends: The other "sisters" or "brothers" are in your exact same situation, in a way no other relationship has an equivalent for. You will always have someone there to talk to who understands what you are going through. You have a support network greater than what one other person can provide.
4. Life Insurance: If something were to happen to you, you can rest easy knowing there's a large, loving family there to take care of your children. After all, not everyone has an extended family they can rely on.
A harem would not be easy, not for anyone involved, but with cooperation and love it can bear many worthwhile benefits. The fact that most countries in the world have made polygamy criminally illegal is rather sad. It is a relationship between consenting adults and should not be the business of the government, or anyone else for that matter.
If you're having trouble understanding my problem with some of your comments, try swapping out polygamy with gay marriage or interracial relationships, and see if what you were saying doesn't make you look like a terrible person.
All the things you are saying are money issues and reasons that would be logical when the worlds popularity wasn't as much as it is now. All i'm saying is, is that you can't really love 3 different people. That doesn't mean only man x more wife or visa versa, it's either way. Gay marriage is absolutely not the same, since, once again, you are only marrying 1 person. As for the life long friends; you don't have to marry more people to have life long friends. And you don't always sleep with your friends.
And excuse me, but i'm wondering if your mind on sex is healthy. I only want to sleep with people i truly love, and no one else. I find sex pretty important in relationships yes, i think it's one of the basic thinks to have a happy marriage or relationship. (So yeah your right i shouldn't have used the word "only", sorry)
Also, let me explain the kind meaning of the word hate i meant; It doesn't mean i hate the people who are in relationships like this. I just hate relationships LIKE this. There is a chance that the people who are in relationships like this are the kinds people i will ever meet, everyone is their own, i can't judge a PERSON, on their relationships choices.
So hate is a large word with many levels of intensity in my opinion.
(Btw, i do respect your opinion, even if it's different from mine. i know everyone can have a other view on life, so i don't want to make it seem that i'm looking down on you or hate you or w/e. I hope i didn't hurt you in anyway though.)
I hate this relationship because two of the women are obviously not happy sharing. The guy is getting what he wants. But the women are "settling" or entered out of a sense of obligation/coercion/owing. The power remains with the man. The women have to "give" up some of what they want. That is not equal. That is not fully satisfactory. If there were an polyandrous or polygamous situation where everyone felt utterly fulfilled and not having to do it (either due to Patriarchal or religious strictures against their own sense of what they wish in a marriage), then fine. Let them have at it and be happy. What I hate is what I see in most polygamous situations: a women-have-lttle-to-no-say situation and a man decides who enters the marriage. Not the women. The man.
I love if koharu dying , its better for her(๑•ㅂ•)و✧
On the 7th this month a volume was on sale right? Are all the chapters from that volume already updated here? I saw some "spoilers" on someones fb page but i can't find them anywhere else...
Does somebody know this manga, or at least the name of the mangaka?
It's Orera Kourin!
( (=・ω・=)
Tbh, his sister is the worst girlfriend. She's lonely and she asked her little brother to fix her relationship. Of course it's a little weird that he hangs around with her little brother so much but still. If it bothers you so much talk to your boyfriend. Don't go meet your ex boyfriend just because you're lonely. If she was still friends with her ex ok, but this was clearly different. I absolutely hate girls like that.
Wtf, so did this girl cheat on her boyfriend with Haruma all this time?
yeah maybe..and i hate it!! why she accept her boyfriend in the first place if she love haruma..wth...
She doesn’t love haruma she loves haruma brother who died. She closer to Haruma since he is her childhood friend not to mention the brother of the one she love so she probably saw his brother in him.
Still a shitty thing that she cheated on her boyfriend tho.