Isn't it exciting is she opens that door? I believed the most hidden informations are there in the Green door.I mean,she keep repeating her life over and over again.The beads from the royal blood's tears are immaculate to snatch away someone else's power.
If any of you enjoys shounen mangas,you can definitely get my point.I mean,why would waste time?Do not hesitate to open gates for secret.Many of the deepest darkest secrets are there.It can also help her gain power.

Level one million :
Nicholas's story. He waited for 700 years to be with him and yet he died early.After his lover's death,he continue to find his reincarnation doesn't matter if its a tree, a dog or something else. That's kinda cliche but the way it progress is PAIN.
The second devil : (I forgot both names) LEVEL THREE MILLION
A typical asshole.Greedy, selfish,arrogant. any words that has negativity through it is his perfect example.He locked his bestfriend which he denied so many times and keep stopping him from dying.He denied and loved him at the same time. But the pain I felt after he finally let him go is WORST! Like wtf. I couldn't move on.
Mr.Jang : I HOPE THIS ISN'T INFINITY PAIN LIKE 10 yrs where I loved u the most or december rain.Pls don't give me insomnia
Well their story is scary because you know?, Mr.Jang has deep hatred for mankind. He knows what the do's and don'ts and the negavity of being devil which made him stiff about his decision of not turning Bokhwan into a devil.
that female higschooler is annoying as fuck