please, PLEASE, don't comment how much you ship the boss and the baby potato
ik they are both pretty men in the human version, but their relationship is like father and son. i am not triggered by the comments shipping them, but people can feel uncomfortable with the boss X potato comments
you can simp/ship them all you want, but just don't comment.
thank you for reading this, you can say your opinion on the answers if you want to!
i was not clear in the first attempt: you can do whatever you want to, just put maybe trigger warnings for incest (can i cal, it that, if it's not a sibling relationship but a parent/child one?), so people can scroll away just like with spoilers
It's the first time I had to say sorry I meant to dislike not like. The thing is that I do not agree to you telling people what to do, I agree to the fact that I don't like the shipping of the Boss and the puppy potato, I ship the boss and the underling with the scar actually, so I thing you should state your opinion but not tell people what to think. Instead of telling no to ship something maybe you should state your love to other ship or none at all. Hope I sounded as respectfull as I tried to be, but I strongly believe in not telling people what to do.
ur saying it’s ok to ship a father and his son?? i don’t understand. it makes it seem like adoptive parents are not real parents, which they absolutely are. just because they are not blood related it does not mean they are not family. if you were adopted and people shipped you with your mother or father would you say it’s okay?? LOL?? what? i would say i respect your opinion but i really don’t understand it at all. if someone’s way of thinking is wrong it is valid to criticize it. if someone says that rape is ok or pedophilia is ok and someone says that wrong would you say that they shouldn’t tell other people what to think ?? please help me understand your guys’ way of thinking. anyone can reply to this. bl is wonderful and all but you guys go way too far to romantically ship a parent and their child. that’s just my two cents
i'm sorry, i think i was not able to explain right what i think
i do think you can ship fictional characters as much as you want, but please don't put it on the internet, because it can hurt people that had abusive childhoods
i'm sorry for being rude, it was not my intention
and you were super respectful, don't worry
thank you for your answer :3
It's not incest if it isn't blood related. Know the word right. And it's not just BL, even straight comic also have many genre, from vanilla to hard-core guro (if you don't get it, try looking at tags for hentai). BL is just like porn, it has plot, sometimes realistic, sometimes fantasy. I myself a fujoshi and incest is SO NOT MY CUP OF TEA, trust me, non-blood related incest isn't incest, the vibes are so different. I've read plenty of BL genre so you can trust me on that.
You can say, shippers gonna ship. Don't get me wrong, I don't ship them when he's a little kid. I only ship them when little potato had grown into adult. My ship (and many others) is Big potato x Boss. And I'm being a fujoshi doesn't mean I can't enjoy the non-sexual relationship, I still have a pure heart left I can enjoy them as father and son only too. And as comments above stated, I know normies would dislike it and feel uncomfy so I try not to say that out. But for the underlings ship (Blue x Yellow), I can simp as much as I want.
i don't know if was called a normie or not dkdkdsk (but thanks, i'm not one, i just don't really call myself a fujoshi/fudanshi)
thanks for your answer, i just searched "incest" on wikipedia and this came up:
'Incest is human sexual activity between family members or close relatives.This typically includes sexual activity between people in consanguinity (blood relations), and sometimes those related by affinity (marriage or stepfamily), adoption, clan, or lineage.'
so, i think it's still incest, but it can change from one place to another
Normies mean people who aren't fujodanshi. Non blood-related incest isn't real incest and still you can't mix them together with real incest (like I said, the vibes are different, the dna is different). But the most important is they're fictional characters. I sometimes see people ship biological siblings (who are fictional), I indeed dislike that but I never go talk to people to not ship them. Romanticized incest for fictional characters are still ok as long as they don't normalize it (support incest in real life).
oh my fucking....not the friend!
kill the blond dude, the asshole, not the good friend!
i feel like this will end up being like killing stalking, but with hot characters