I feel like the beginning had a lot of potential until he sold her off and didn’t recognize her. The ML took a 180 and become a different person, and not in a good way. Idk man. I’m disappointed. I kept reading hoping it would get better but it didn’t. Hhhhhh. Not really worth the read. The ML seriously pisses me off, he’s really weak. Not physical but emotional. He’s extremely obsessive and unstable. It’s not healthy or cute. Giving up everything for a girl, romantic but he’s dead serious about to ruin everything and be fine with it and let everyone else suffer. Like idk. He’s not the hot obsessive type but like, the unattractive weak wimpy stalker type. Idk. Doesn’t do me good.

I mean... like... I like the middle brother and like he kinda hot being all aggressive and like yehaw but like... she didn’t want it so I’m sad. The younger one she was actually trying to fight off at one time and I’m like bbbbbbboi like idk if it was consensual I’d b like hell yeah but it wasn’t at all. Like she came out and was like I didn’t like that and now I’m like ahhhhh noooooooo why would they hurt the one they love. Like yay possessive if she liked them like that back but it’s too scurry when she’s not for it. The arts really good though and the steamy scenes are good...if it was consensual

I want more so bad!! Loved the art, loved the story, love how insane the prince and the loony chick got. ALSO FHE FACT THAT HE TURNED INTO A DRAGON BC OF HER AND THE FACT THAT SHE WQS CRYING OMG KWBEHDIDB like those two are so innocent like omg my heart. I WANTED MORE INTIMACY THOUGH LIKE YAY FOR SOFT BUT SAD BC I WQS LIKE BOI KISS HER LOVE HER GET IT OOONNN but it didn’t happen bc they are too softies. That’s ok though, it goes well with their characters. So sad it’s over, would read again and cry again bc happiness

Bro why can’t he just say I love you? Like u aren’t dating the chick anymore your both single, he’s literally just not doing anything about it. If I were her I’d be so pissed and tired and liek done. Why can’t he be honest and be like yea let’s be together like omg I hate guys that are like this smh just SAY IT OMG

Story was very rushed but had a lot of potential. Upset that they left so many open holes, great plot though, I liked how we all thought there was just one nohr but there was actually two and they were brothers, once they said “omg two??” I was like OMG ITS THE GUY AH YES HES THE OTHER ONE!! I usually figure plot twists out pretty quickly, so I was excited that this surprised me. Very well done with the twist. However, at the end I thought that they would at least show them living their new lives, and I thought maybe his brother would be reincarnated as their child, that would have been really cool and another plot twist. Maybe the authors just wanted to end the story, but they could continue it since there’s so much plot. Kind of hope one day they come back to it and remake it, making it longer and not as rushed. I felt like the fighting scene/climax wasn’t even a climax, I was surprised they reached to him so fast without things happening along the way. Usually you see more character development through the journey, not the destination. I also think the romance was very rushed and I wish that they had more character development and went at a slower but more passionate pace.