please don't hurt too attached to him already....
I'm sorry dude but not everyone can read what you're feeling. Also, what give YOU the right to talk down on people's shortcomings/past when they've never done so to you at all?? He makes it seem like it's Rudo's fault for all the shit happening when it's really just coincidences (?? Another word, can't think of it rn as I type) that led up to this fighting.
I do think it's bc he knows rudo is from up top and fell down but he wasn't raised in a good place either. I think Follo sees some sort of "privilege" but it really isn't imo. idk I just think it's weird he's doing this during a mission like people's lives are at stake, including yours, yet your lashing out in the middle of it??? Talk about bad timing ...
this girl is giving me SECOND HAND EMBARRASSMENT GOOD GOD also Remi looks so stunning !!!! ╥﹏╥
is to just me or ts seems forced bc no way u see your step brothers altar of you and he basically FORCED you into isolation to the point NO ONE COULD SEE YOU BUT YOUR STEP BROTHER. like how does that NOT raise crazy red flags.
why is freya still insisting that ruby is acting when she clearly saw TWO INCIDENTS where ruby was obviously not loved at all back home?? like her hatred has to be more than just 'i hate ruby because my friends are being taken away from me ' and ik starting to feel bad for the brother bc he's realizing this in real time that his sister changed drastically
it feels like no matter how hard they try to make her and Lucian seem not like siblings, they are. (not biologically) For me, if I found out my step brother (??? I guess) that I've grown up with my entire life has feelings for me, id be so disgusted bc I see you as a brother. idk man ts getting weird for me...
ngl idk how to feel about this comic.. the fact that she didn't fight back Lucian on having her two companions w/ her n his she doesn't CLEARLY see at that moment he has an obsession with her..
some of the ppl in here really sayin "oh I'd kill the kids" which is INSANE btw. the reason why he never did is because he KNOWS that's wrong and he's basically raised his friend's kids and his own disciple. Kids aren't inherently bad, it's the environment or the adult that'll groom them to be that way
i actually hate caesar to the point it disgusts me when I type out his name. like I really wish I could just censor his name throughout the whole story.
I have a little theory that freya KNOWS that ruby and Valentino aren't a thing but is still using it as a way to make a wedge into Izek and Ruby's relationship but in that process, she's making herself look like the awful person or only in Izek's but also Elen's. If I was elen I would have cut this bitch off IMMEDIATELY if I found out she lied about the situation to my brother/sibling. Such a shitty friend and all this for a man?? (I love Izek but still)
if no one cuts off that bitch freya i will seriously explode because this is one of the MANY TIMES that she's been caught acting like a psycho towards ruby. all I want is ruby to be happy with izek :(
i honestly felt her for this chapter bc I've been thru something similar. it's so difficult to tell ppl bc you're scared of how THEY will see you or of they'll even believe you. i hope she talks about it and in the next chapter if that blonde girl appears, i pray to whatever god will hear me when i say i want that blonde girl and her brother GONE. they piss me tf off
BRO I FEEL SO AWFUL FOR RUBY but side note, why was that blonde girl (so irrelevant I forgot her name) so obsessed with making the situation worse talkin ab sum "we should tell izek right now!! the rumors are true!!" Like read the room
I feel like I can understand all three of their povs but preshati did overstep. I can understand she wants the mom to reconnect with celphi but we actually don't know the full backstory of why she left and why she didn't want to raise him, which is definitely the ML's fault as well.
To me it seemed like such a sore topic, it's difficult to talk about which he should have also communicated. Idk we'll just wait and see but I hope the maid doesn't feel like it's her fault that she can't help ╥﹏╥