furudate is genuinely such a good mangaka bc this series is absolutely immaculate. i'm so heartbroken that it's ending but at the same time i cannot wait bc of the excitement and hype from this final arc. also who do y'all think are gonna win? personally, idk but i hope the jackals win bc it would be a great ending to hinata's entire journey/ character arc akjhsdjkhadf

i really wish i could love this... i mean this kind of representation is AMAZING bc u NEVER see a time travel manhwa with this! much! melanin! it's so refreshing seeing another culture in this genre. however, as much as i hate to admit it, i can't get into this story. ik it's still early on but there have been other manhwas that have captured my attention in just as many chapters or less. i'll stick with it though bc i just can't give it up
did anybody else cry like a bitch through the whole thing?