i actually had a feeling that the brothers weren’t actually as close as it was made out to seem since when his brother was introduced early on and it always felt like seoin always felt uncomfortable when thinking about him. even the hold during the kiss was weird. the flashbacks also did not give the vibe of any amicable bond poor seoin, man. anyway i hope seoin cleans up and treats mc well. i also have a feeling that his brother doing judo and him liking mc for his judo are linked. maybe mc beat his brother? and that made seoin think that his brother CAN actually be bested and that’s why he says that his eyes were always on mc during the judo tournament even if he came bronze. wonder if his brother placed in that but then again, if they look so similar mc should’ve recognised his face? also in a flashback, you can see mc, seoin and his evil brother hang out so i wonder how that dynamic worked out. also popular unpopular opinion, the real villain in this is his mother for not considering her home situation and KNOWINGLY bringing seoin despite knowing that his brother wasn’t going to take it (as shown in the last chapter, she knows, she just wants seoin to play his part in this act and suck it up). yeah.. phew, sorry that was long

alsoooo i hate the mother way more because just imagine how she must’ve brought up the evil brother for him to turn out this way? (i can’t remember his name for the life of me). saw someone else say this and i agree wholeheartedly and wanted to drop this higher for more reach but i honestly wouldn't even fully blame jaewon for acting that way. first off he's a child, the reason why he's acting so toxic must be because of his mother. there aren’t really any other external influences. who knew what he had to go through when the mother couldn't move on from the death of the other twin. he probably didn't receive enough love. not to excuse his shitty behaviour but he needs help too. the mother’s way of grieving is just not right especially because she clearly hasn’t moved on and that probably makes jaewon feel like he has never been enough for his mother. like she’s always looking for something that was absent in the first place, but he’s real so why is she neglecting him for someone who’s dead? (most likely from his pov as a child and i’m aware i’m making assumptions). then again yes, grief and child loss is so harsh on a person, i feel terrible for her but not like this man. don’t do this.

i was actually enjoying this manga so much up to this point and i still would’ve enjoyed it even if ren and mc’s brother were actually lovers in the past but something happened. and then mc and ren ended up falling in love again whilst he was helping out rn. like that trope would’ve been arguably better for ren and mc and more mature instead of mc’s brother just raping ren for ‘mc’s sake’???? pack it up. pack it UP. i literally do not care that mc and ren have liked each other from the beginning and mc’s brother went and ruined it all. that’s so much worse then bc he DID get in between deliberately thinking he was doing a good deed. bro i actually need to rant about this manga ヽ(`Д´)ノ

i had the misfortune of reading the brain cell losing spoilers and.. LIKE WHY WOULD YOU GO TO SUCH EXTREMES (talking about the uke’s omega brother)?? LMFAO JUST MAKE THEM TALK TO ONE ANOTHER WTF INSTEAD OF MAKING A BIGGER MESS. if you think mc and ren like each other but won’t admit it, THERE’S A 1000 DIFFERENT WAYS OF GETTING THEM TO ADMIT IT SHOWN IN EVERY OTHER MANGA INSTEAD OF RAPING REN???? SO THAT THEN MC WILL TAKE UP THE MANTLE OF BEING A MAMA?? like excuse me? the trauma?? you just put everyone through and not to mention that this guy thought “yeah let me birth a whole child to help them resolve their feelings” LIKE SANA IS JUST SOME SOLUTION? MATE WHAT.

i have a twin sister so his actions just disgust me even more. it doesn’t make it ‘all good’ because ‘sana at least looks like mc and its the same blood’ LIKE UGH I’D BE DISGUSTED. we’ve just witnessed mc slaving away trying to make everything work whilst dealing with his guilt towards sana and ren for not being an actual omega and mama like DONT MAKE ME GET IN THERE AND SAP YOU MC’S BROTHER!! like we’re just supposed to disregard the unneeded trials and tribulations he put mc through DELIBERATELY. anyone who calls this sweet needs to open their eyeballs

- nuh uh spoilers and comprehensive rant ahead (not really comprehensive at all)
this was a good and realistic story, i just feel depressed for the ML who recognised MC at a glance (well of course, he knew his title and everything and has been keeping in touch with hendric) whilst MC doesn’t have that advantage. i understand MC’s frustrations with the constant lies from the villagers and that’s what makes this story so good. it tears you apart because you can see why MC was so agonised to the point of not even sparing the ML a glance but he went way too far with the beating. the author did that on purpose but it left a bad taste in my mouth bc it’s so out of MC’s character to actually lash out. he’s been all bark and no bite but you’re saying he bites the moment the actual ML comes??? also the portrayal was heartbreaking HEARTBREAKING. THE PANELS AND THE COMPOSITION.

okay but i can understand why luan is so attached to this ideal of his childhood best friend. his parents barely did their role, hurray for hendric and only ever impose things on him (going to rios) and being raised in this kind of environment, luan desperately needed something that was only his. damn, lowkey i feel bad for luan and the ML. like this is definitely going to be sour somehow before it’s all okay
i love how well this manhwa has done side characters, i love them all. usually in other manhwas, the authors make the side characters unlikeable and have a fatal flaw to sort of push the trope that mc and ml are made to be. but in this, it’s very realistic that they’re all just normal human beings but sometimes things don’t work out due to many factors. heartwarming read all in all