Yall I’m slow and dumb and this story has gone on long enough I need help filling in the gaps.
Regarding our FL, we don’t really know y she reincarnated but what we do know is that she is losing her identity as she stays here in ash’s body. What was the entire thing about food? It was mentioned at some point that her cooking is terrible and she wasnt sure if that was just cause of the foreign taste for other ppl or if smth was warped in her memories. Was there more significance to that or did I misunderstand anything??
Also she was brought to the palace to investigate the magic circle which this last ch explained was used to create to the prince with the king and yurigels blood in the queens body. But y did the duke (I think he was a duke? The white haired one) send her to investigate this?? Also y is he so adamant on calling the queen infertile using his wife as proof? Did he send ash to prove that they used the magic circle to create the prince to prove the queens infertility? But y??? Did they explain this?
Also the magic circle can create other great magicians. I don’t remember but can great magicians only be made using magic circles like these? Or did OUR great magician have different origins? I only remember him being raised to be emotionless as a safety measure. Until he killed everyone in the magic tower? Does that mean the prince is technically a magician? Also y is yurigel so interested in him? He tried to feed him poison and he seems to know a lot more about ash than even our FL actually knows.
Also I’m hella confused with the two dukes (red hair and white hair). Red hair ML was in love with the woman that Ash served. But that woman is also the younger sister of the white hair duke, but I think at some point they reveled that white hair and red hair are actually half brothers?!? I’m lost did I make that up or did I misunderstand that? Also they haven’t outright clarified red hair ML’s feelings right? So far it’s kind of been played off as actual feelings hidden behind the excuse of trying to keep the memory of the woman who passed away close by staying close to ash, the only one left behind.
Is there a light novel to this?