I saw a couple of comments about peeling unions and psychopaths but I couldn’t reply to them for some reason so here’s a question-
I’ve been peeling onions with my bare hands my whole life - how do y’all peel onions without your bare hands????

Some people in the comment section are so fucked up like no that wasn’t consent? He was forced to have sex with him, not on his own choice? He was threatened, and said stop so many times? Wtf is wrong with you, this is rape, not consensual sex. “You say you don’t want it but you’re hard” is like saying “you say to stop but you’re laughing so that means you enjoy it” when someone is tickling someone with asthma?

Isn’t this basically just ancient heavenly version of omegaverse-
I was originally here for the art style and the character storyline’s but then all I see is rape, non consent, forced consent, etc
I’m not saying I regret reading it, it’s honestly my fault anyway, but ughhhh it’s so frustrating-
I just really wanted to see the mc defeat all the blades and change the status thing of blades and sheaths :(

Is it just me or does felix seem like a horrible person who mistreats omegas? When we first saw him technically raping the main character and calling him “whore” and stuff-

What no, he never raped the main character, issac begged him to do it, and I'm pretty sure that's called sex talk, and issac had the best time of his life, he literally said it multiple times throughout the manwha, but true felix does mistreat omegas, for personal reason ( i do not in any way condone that btw) but he never mistreated issac, actually he loves him like crazy, in this chapter he said that he doesn't care that issac is an omega at this point, allthat issac have to do is tell him and he will love him the same, the translation made it hard to understand that but i read the actual story thats why i got it

Jeez. So y’all are okay with the fact that omegas are all “weak and small” or “the bottom” and getting raped and such by alphas? The plot in this manga was amazing. Imagine being born in the omega verse as an omega, it would be totally unfair if all you could do was to “get fucked” while some of the alphas abuse their power. The author created this manga that shows that omegas are only humans that can get pregnant, not people that only have the purpose of “breeding”.
yknow this is kinda sus in chapter 254 “turned him into a gay” which I get since it’s a Chinese production and people there are kind of conservative…but that seemed kinda homophobic in my opinion. Oh well I guess