하루 April 1, 2019 6:14 am

Takano raped Ritsu since the beginning!! And if you are discussing this right now it's kind of nonsensical to me! Why are you here? Are you reading the whole thing just to say that now? Why didn't you drop this Manga in the chapter 5? Why did you wait until it looked like rape? Even knowing that Takano forced sex since the beginning and ritsu have kept saying that he wasn't in love!!! You read all this Manga just to say, oh it was rape NOW!! Where were you doing at all the other chapters?? You waited until now to say it!! Don't misunderstand I'm not OK with rape in real life and I knew since the beginning it wasn't OK but here I am reading this because of curiosity, I liked the story and I decided to keep reading knowing that takano was forcing ritsu most of the times! And I might be sick because I've kept reading, and nakamura is sick because she drow this, and I'm OK with it!! Because I know the difference between real life and fiction!!! ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    LallaLa April 1, 2019 6:29 am

    Finally someone who makes sense
    Thanks ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    crack dad April 1, 2019 8:17 am

    I’d say it was more like a grey area of Takano coercing Ritsu into sex and him unsure about it but eventually succumbing to the sex but in the recent chapters it was clearly unwanted and it hurted him. So yeah, the past wasn’t exactly rape.

    하루 April 2, 2019 6:00 am
    I’d say it was more like a grey area of Takano coercing Ritsu into sex and him unsure about it but eventually succumbing to the sex but in the recent chapters it was clearly unwanted and it hurted him. So yea... crack dad

    If you say no, it's no!! It doesn't matter if your body responds, takano forced sex so many times before!! And this is what everyone is discussing!! Yeah this last time was rape, but all the previous ones were rape too because he clearly said he didn't want to do it!!! But we all keep reading until now that it really looked like rape!! That is what I'm saying!! Why all the previous times that ritsy said no wasn't rape? Just because he enjoyed it at the end? But if you tell someone you don't want to do it and ignores you and keep going it is still rape!! Even if you love that person he needs to respect you decision!!! There were plenty of times that ritsu said No, I don't want to do it and takano still did it!! I don't know if I'm explaining my point well!? But to me ritsu was raped since the very beginning and I decided to keep reading this and now it's too late to complain about it!!!

    afroluv April 2, 2019 6:38 am
    If you say no, it's no!! It doesn't matter if your body responds, takano forced sex so many times before!! And this is what everyone is discussing!! Yeah this last time was rape, but all the previous ones were ... 하루

    I don't recall Ritsu saying no before this nor him getting bruised and whatnot. I think Takano has always been aggressive af but in this chapter Ritsu says he had treated him gently in the past; maybe the author wrote it like this on purpose to generate this type of disxussion. Who knows? I think many other commenters may not agree with you on the sex up to this point as being nonconsensual but a good number agree that last chapter was rape. I think it's oversimplifying things to call them nonsensical discussions on that basis.

하루 January 12, 2019 12:02 pm

I took this webtoon as a one shot it's probable one of the most beautiful stories ever!!! Btw it's 5:13 am and I ignored the fact that I need to "wake up early" today just to read this till the end!!! Please clap for me and my lonely sad reality!!!

하루 October 18, 2018 10:53 pm

Why I'm crying??? It hurts me so much when said my life is yours so do whatever you want (something like that) why are you like this doumeki??

    Anonymous October 18, 2018 11:36 pm

    A lot is spoken about Yashiro's problematic approach to relationships, but little on Doumeki's. Doumeki was captivated by Yashiro, at first, but this increased as it was Yashiro who was the one to who released him from all of the fear and guilt he had, due to his abusive father. Doumeki puts Yashiro on a pedestal, he validates him as a person, as himself like no one else had ever bothered to do. Doumeki isn't just wanting to "take" from Yashiro, but give. Being with Yashiro empowered him to speak about his trauma, to show his lowest points (violence which he associates with a loss of control and being like his dad) and to confirm that he wasn't an abuser or corrupt, and to reconnect with his family. Given that Yashiro thinks he is a bad influence on others, and will blacken Doumeki, I guess he is motivated to try and get Yashiro out of his hell, like he did for him (and many others).

    Cat Knight bytes October 19, 2018 2:13 pm
    A lot is spoken about Yashiro's problematic approach to relationships, but little on Doumeki's. Doumeki was captivated by Yashiro, at first, but this increased as it was Yashiro who was the one to who released ... @Anonymous

    That is quite insightful.

    Anonymous October 19, 2018 3:15 pm
    That is quite insightful. @Cat Knight bytes

    Drawing comparisons, Yashiro spent his childhood either alone, or being sexually and emotionally abused by his father and later abandoned by his mother. To be blunt, the rapes on occasion looked like they happened in front of the mother, at night time when she was asleep. Yashiro basically had no safe place, he couldn't even fall asleep as a child without it being unsafe. His step dad trying to manipulate him to accept the abuse, and to say he likes pain. Then as an adult this trauma meaning he has to use the insults directed as him as ammo, not being able to trust anyone, to rely and be vulnerable with anyone because these relationship developments were completely violated growing up. So the differences are, that the relationship with the Doumeki brought Yashiro pain, he wasn't able to take off the plaster that he's been living with for 20 odd years, whilst Doumeki, was healed to an extent by Yashiro's presence and went too full on into wanting a relationship with someone he really barely knows. Yashiro doesn't want to "taint" Doumeki, either by himself (linked to the abuse) or the yakuza world. He gave him multiple opportunities to rebuild the relationships with his family (something Yashiro cannot do) and to get out of the organised crime world before he gets trapped or killed. Doumeki at the moment seems angry at how Yashiro is mistreated by others or underestimated. In this chapter Yashiro does seem to have made some developments, he recognises that the abuse was not acceptable, that no one protected him, and he was able to verbally convey his feelings about relationships to Doumeki, even if D did not immediately grasp this.

    Cat Knight bytes October 19, 2018 3:54 pm
    Drawing comparisons, Yashiro spent his childhood either alone, or being sexually and emotionally abused by his father and later abandoned by his mother. To be blunt, the rapes on occasion looked like they happ... @Anonymous

    I say to you that Dom. , bec. of the way he adores Yas. has ratted something deep in him. Dom does not see Yas. as others do. I think he touches the child within him. The innocent part he thought long dead. That part that longed for love that is still connected to that contact case. That is the part that glows round Dom. that no one else is able to bring out of him. As Yas. helped Dom. fight off the sins of his father, Dom. gives to Yas. a sense self.He has known the abuse was wrong. Yas. is on a path that only he can walk or so he seems?

    Cat Knight bytes October 19, 2018 4:15 pm
    I say to you that Dom. , bec. of the way he adores Yas. has ratted something deep in him. Dom does not see Yas. as others do. I think he touches the child within him. The innocent part he thought long dead. Th... @Cat Knight bytes

    In a way when Dom. is on his knees and Yas. has the gun to his head that is Dom.'s own gun. He willingly is ready to give his own life, I would have to say on some level he understands.

    Anonymous October 19, 2018 5:39 pm
    In a way when Dom. is on his knees and Yas. has the gun to his head that is Dom.'s own gun. He willingly is ready to give his own life, I would have to say on some level he understands. @Cat Knight bytes

    Reminds me of the dialogue from Kurobane "There will come a time when you aren't afraid of risking your life like this. A time where you will think that if it's for the sake of this person no price is too high". I think maybe one of the comparisons, but also major contrasts between Y & D is the issue of unselfishness. Doumeki never hides that he appreciates and values his Kashira, even when this goes against protocol. He says himself that he will do anything to remain next to Yashiro. This is just centred around his behaviour to Yashiro though. Yashiro on the other hand has basically spent his whole life sacrificing himself for others, and hides this from everyone. Kageyama pities Yashiro but he never acknowledges that it was the school age Yashiro that empowered him, and is ignorant that Yashiro ended up where he is now partly in order to protect Kageyama from the group. Doumeki's guilt and fear over how violent he gets is conveyed, but Yashiro on the other hand presents himself apathetically, it's only really in rare moments that you see him lift off his mask, crying as a teenager, the shower scene and the last couple of chapters where he says that love is painful and that to be in love means basically losing all of the coping mechanisms he has built up. To maybe use the title as inspiration :), at the moment Yashiro is in his "nest", it's a jagged one but it's stable, familiar and home, he has the option to fly out. Accepting Misumi's promotion, means he wouldn't just be in the boundaries of a nest, but a cage. Maybe he sees a relationship at this point like a suffocating cage, rather than the sky. (well maybe that likely just sounded like a load of crap ha).

    Anonymous October 19, 2018 5:51 pm
    I say to you that Dom. , bec. of the way he adores Yas. has ratted something deep in him. Dom does not see Yas. as others do. I think he touches the child within him. The innocent part he thought long dead. Th... @Cat Knight bytes

    Agree. I think this comes out a lot in their interactions. Yashiro drops his guard a bit, and is playful, funny, and they both act like they've known each other for years rather than a few months. The cinema scene where Yashiro fell asleep on someone who is essentially his lowest rank bodyguard, the scene at Yashiro's house where he gave him the jumper (who was the gift giver, maybe Misumi, maybe Hirata's man seeing as he still kept it despite not wearing it) and Doumeki let him go through his phone which seemed like a way of Yashiro to see how a normal family conversation went. As you say, Yashiro really never got to develop as a person, the abuse and then being forced into yakuza roles hindered him. Doumeki on the other hand sees Yashiro like no one else, he isn't the "masochist", 'wakagashira" or "victim" but Yashiro, a fickle at times man, who is funny, who is curious, who wants comfort.

    Cat Knight bytes October 19, 2018 8:07 pm
    Reminds me of the dialogue from Kurobane "There will come a time when you aren't afraid of risking your life like this. A time where you will think that if it's for the sake of this person no price is too high"... @Anonymous

    Don.t say that was crap. You make a lot of sound points. the Dr. seems to not know about what Yas has done. and he does appear to be losing all his coping mechanisms at present. This is a man who is on the run from people who want his death the not just Hirata. Dom is willing to go with him , he does not want that. He even sent Chest nut away .

    Cat Knight bytes October 19, 2018 8:16 pm
    Don.t say that was crap. You make a lot of sound points. the Dr. seems to not know about what Yas has done. and he does appear to be losing all his coping mechanisms at present. This is a man who is on the run... @Cat Knight bytes

    cont. the way you see things is as valid as any.

    Cat Knight bytes October 19, 2018 8:27 pm
    Agree. I think this comes out a lot in their interactions. Yashiro drops his guard a bit, and is playful, funny, and they both act like they've known each other for years rather than a few months. The cinema sc... @Anonymous

    agree..look at the long road Yas has been on . he once would only find 'comfort' from pain. He was asking Dom. to lay down in his lap.

    Anonymous October 19, 2018 10:54 pm
    agree..look at the long road Yas has been on . he once would only find 'comfort' from pain. He was asking Dom. to lay down in his lap. @Cat Knight bytes

    Agree, sorry don't have much to add. Was thinking how little we see of Yashiro's life before the abuse, and his family dynamic with his mother. He has basically been shown to have zero memories of his childhood bar the lonely boy at the window, the abuse, and his mother's abandonment, and the realisation of this all, with the subsequent conflicting put on act and acceptance. Not sure if the ages are exact, but it seems the timeline we know of was: Sexual abuse from the step father occured between ages 10-12 (seems likely that emotional abuse happened before this though). Yashiro says he was raped by "a bunch of men" as a child, this seems like more incidents of abuse, along with the yakuza man beating him up that he sarcastically? called "Master". If Kageyama said he met Yash' 20 years ago, that would mean that his step dad left when Yash' was 13, and his mother basically abandoned him when he was 15. Graduated school at 18, isolated from Kageyama. By age 19 he hadn't paid his rent (presumably this is on his childhood home?) for 6 months, his mother was leaving money for him when he was still at school, so maybe she stopped, or Yahiro himself was not earning or prioritising rent. Was placed into the yakuza by Misumi who likely thought he was helping, but never really respected Yashiro's autonomy even if he was impressed by his defiance. Was made Wakagashira at some point between 19-26.

    Cat Knight bytes October 20, 2018 2:23 am
    Agree, sorry don't have much to add. Was thinking how little we see of Yashiro's life before the abuse, and his family dynamic with his mother. He has basically been shown to have zero memories of his childhoo... @Anonymous

    That;s a lot good to be reminded of his total history. I agree with about Misuni.

    YSP Lover October 20, 2018 6:11 pm

    Killing the man who has a pure heart for you, are you happy to do this? Yashiro-san, you have lived for that f*cking life for long enough. At end then he will say "thanks for everything, for letting me die for you". Doumeki-kun, you baka!!!!!!

    Anonymous October 28, 2018 6:20 pm
    That;s a lot good to be reminded of his total history. I agree with about Misuni. @Cat Knight bytes

    Misumi is an interesting character, I do think he thinks he is helping, but this isn't always what's best and ultimately it involves closing people into the yakuza world. Amou for example, Misumi married his mother who died after working herself to ill health from being a single parent, he made her the wife of a wakagashira (not sure of the yakuza title maybe Ane-san) and gave her the peace of mind that her son would have a step dad. Amou rejected any financial help to pay for his studies, and made his own way, he wanted validation as Misumi's son not a benefactor receiver. With Yashiro, it was obvious he was in bad shape but I think he was more fascinated that he could present so much pride and resiliance, he didn't cower to him because Misumi was a violent yakuza, he barely registered him. Another note is Yashiro always corrected Misumi, and others, whenever they used slurs, calling him an "okama " or "homo". Misumi saw through Yashiro to an extent, but there relationship was still built on the usual role playing. Yashiro played the role of masochist, of sarcastic sex talk, when he talks with Doumeki and then Misumi you can see him code switch, with Misumi it's like he is putting on his business smile, but with Doumeki he was more himself for the most part. I wounder if we will see Misumi in the next chapter, and Amou too as both of them know that Hirata was the mastermind of the crimes motivated by his feelings of envy, injustice etc towards Yashiro.

    Cat Knight bytes October 29, 2018 2:48 am
    Misumi is an interesting character, I do think he thinks he is helping, but this isn't always what's best and ultimately it involves closing people into the yakuza world. Amou for example, Misumi married his m... @Anonymous

    That is very informative, esp. about Amou.I was a bit worried he may have alt. motives of some sort. Your words have cleared that up.I too wonder if Misumi will show. I think he now knows it was Hirata who killed his friend just to take credit for the hit.

    richchit October 30, 2018 12:23 pm
    A lot is spoken about Yashiro's problematic approach to relationships, but little on Doumeki's. Doumeki was captivated by Yashiro, at first, but this increased as it was Yashiro who was the one to who released ... @Anonymous

    So so so agree

하루 October 14, 2018 6:55 am

Fanally!!! That's the actitud dg!!!

하루 September 19, 2018 4:32 am

Dg actitud was the best!! I mean it's hard to leave a crush after all what happened but in the end you know is the right thing to do!! So I hope Alex beg for his attention after this!!! But we all know that not gonna happen

하루 September 9, 2018 7:21 am

Hmm think I know how dg felt! And I think he didn't have anything to lose at all, I mean the worst thing could happen is the end of that relationship and it's something that is always in your mind... He enjoyed his time with jiwon and also had some hope that he could fall in love with him but if not you already know and you are kind of mentality prepared to have your heart broken... But in jiwon's case is worst because he is felling empty and guilty for something without expecting and it will be harder for him to get rid of those feelings because he couldn't enjoy at all the time they spend together... It's like: OK I had fun and I did thing that I only could dream and I have those happy memories with me, maybe my heart is broken right now but I will heat and I'm going to remember this time like a beautiful dream... But in jiwon's case is more like, why I miss him, why is his face all over, my heart feels broken and I don't know why?? I didn't wanted to be with him and I still feel empty...
I feel sorry for Alex!! (btw sorry my eng is really bad)

하루 August 31, 2018 8:40 am

I stared to watch the live action because I remembered parts of the plot of this Manga and I was so amazed by the actors and the story that I came to re read it and now I remember why I decided to erase this story of my brain!! I really hate the end of this manga!! It just makes me angry and I really want to slap Sensei a couple of times!!! But the live action it's still the best!!!

    Nanatsu-chan August 31, 2018 10:36 am

    live action!? is it also called pornographer? where can i find it?

    하루 September 1, 2018 6:33 am
    live action!? is it also called pornographer? where can i find it? Nanatsu-chan

    Yes it's called pornographer too!! I only have the Chinese-Spanish sub ver!! http://rincondehitomi.blogspot.com/?m=1 there are only 4eps

    Nanatsu-chan September 1, 2018 8:01 am
    Yes it's called pornographer too!! I only have the Chinese-Spanish sub ver!! http://rincondehitomi.blogspot.com/?m=1 there are only 4eps 하루

    thank youu

    하루 October 27, 2018 10:14 pm
    This reply will be showed after approved! WOOHOOOOOOOO

    Thank you so much!!

    DetectiveConan November 30, 2018 3:17 am

    It’s soooooo good!!! It’s one of the best live action BL drams I’ve watched in years.

하루 October 15, 2017 7:29 am

I think yashiro is trying to be himself again!! Like he is getting his shit together and trying to be a little more mentally stable (or at least to return to his usual self) because that's the only way he can keep living a peaceful life because he doesn't need to worry for anyone... But you still loving him Yashiro... And you know it!!! You always leave what you love because you think you don't deserve to love someone and being loved by someone is just an utopian dream... You deserve to be loved for someone that you love!!! this chapter made me cry a lot!!! Why are you like this stupid Yashiro!!!???

    Kitty October 15, 2017 4:11 pm

    In his line of work it's really hard to love when that person could be killed at any given moment. Everything is on the line when you're a yakuza

    하루 October 17, 2017 5:26 am
    In his line of work it's really hard to love when that person could be killed at any given moment. Everything is on the line when you're a yakuza Kitty

    I know!! but let doumeki love yashiro

하루 October 4, 2017 7:11 am

I'll say this on Spanish because I don't know the correct English expression for this... SE PASA DE VERGA Sangwoo!! "I'm inside" was just hilarious but everyone in this story is just insane!! I thought seungbae was the only sane person but he is like everyone!!! (btw I liked the face shooting part )

하루 August 2, 2017 9:16 am

This is my fourth webtoon in all my life... I don't know what to do... I'm emotionally damaged... I didn't know webtoons was like this.... Why its so short

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