elle 2.0 April 1, 2024 3:41 am

am i the only one who doesn't think the hyunwoo is as terrible as people are making him out to be? yes he's still probably hung up on his ex gf and she should tell his bf instead of lying to him. But eunsung is literally insane?? he became so obsessive to the point where he strangled his bf to death?? he's also not a child and knows what he's doing is wrong. dont get me wrong they are both awful people but the bottom is overhated fr

    Kabukichou April 2, 2024 4:15 am

    100% this. Some people make Eunsung out to be like some baby that is still learning but he practically met Hyunwoo at an age where he should know right from wrong. It's hilarious how some readers are avoiding to see the obvious red flags Eunsung is giving off.

    It's also funny how people are saying Hyunwoo is emotionally manipulating Eunsung when Eunsung has done this from Day 1 before the timeline reset. It's like they read the first chapter with their eyes closed where Eunsung was telling Hyunwoo to quit his job for him and if he didn't, he'd out him or worse kill him.

    Not excusing Hyunwoo's behaviour but damn, it is tame compared to Eunsung.

    Foxy April 3, 2024 10:37 pm
    100% this. Some people make Eunsung out to be like some baby that is still learning but he practically met Hyunwoo at an age where he should know right from wrong. It's hilarious how some readers are avoiding t... Kabukichou

    Well I think eunsung was very supportive when mc got the job, the reason eunsung asked hyunwoo to quit the job cause he was flirting and ghosting him isn't it?

    elle 2.0 April 7, 2024 3:56 am
    Well I think eunsung was very supportive when mc got the job, the reason eunsung asked hyunwoo to quit the job cause he was flirting and ghosting him isn't it? Foxy

    not even, before that eunsung made hyunwoo late to work and had intentions of getting him to become dependent on him

    Jayron April 11, 2024 1:34 pm
    100% this. Some people make Eunsung out to be like some baby that is still learning but he practically met Hyunwoo at an age where he should know right from wrong. It's hilarious how some readers are avoiding t... Kabukichou

    I mean aren't alot of people who have hard time learning is like that, and we shouldn't also discard Hyunwoo behavior with he's constant lying, ignoring Eunsung feelings and not trusting him someone bound to change, and we shouldn't ignored the fact that Eunsung is only a teenager while Hyunwoo is an adult, teenager are bound to change if someone treats them like that, if you were him what would you feel??

    Also when Eunsung first ask him out shouldn't Hyunwoo reject him?? Like he's only playing pretend at this point, it's basically gaslighting Eunsung, i think Eunsung wouldn't be like that if Hyunwoo treated him right, Eunsung mental health is dropping because of how Hyunwoo attitude and action, And Hyunwoo is literally cheating and a lying bastard, we were introduce to Eunsung flashback were most of the time it's just Hyunwoo treating Eunsung like a s**it, i know both are in wrong, but what i see the problem started on Hyunwoo, we also shouldn't ignored that this is literally Eunsung first relationship he seems to want to treasure it on the first they dated, and Eunsung was only longing for Hyunwoo attention and love... I think that's were his behaviors develop

    Jayron April 11, 2024 1:40 pm

    You shouldn't also discard Eunsung feelings, and wouldn't Eunsung behavior not change if that Hyunwoo treated him right, i don't think he would develop this behaviors if Hyunwoo was not a lying bastard who cheated and didn't have loyalty at all, the fact he's still like his ex is making him bad who's already in a relationship, and isn't Eunsung teenager usually teenager develop a sudden change of behavior based on the people around them, with how Hyunwoo is treating Eunsung he's bound to change

    Jayron April 11, 2024 1:44 pm

    And also let's not change that fact that he ONLY accepted Eunsung confession because he needed some way to make him feel better, he literally groomed him

    Jayron April 11, 2024 1:46 pm
    And also let's not change that fact that he ONLY accepted Eunsung confession because he needed some way to make him feel better, he literally groomed him Jayron

    I just wanna point out where the problem started, where it began, the moment Hyunwoo accepted Eunsung confession is where it all began

    elle 2.0 April 14, 2024 1:24 am
    And also let's not change that fact that he ONLY accepted Eunsung confession because he needed some way to make him feel better, he literally groomed him Jayron

    I dont necessarily think he groomed him bc he had no intentions of actually dating him or going further in their relationship. just bc eunsung was in hs when they met doesnt mean he was a child. he was in his final year and at least 18. hes a grown adult (well 20 at least and in college) when the start dating and for the rest of the story, so it doesnt make sense for you to continue saying he is a teenager too excuse his poor behaviour. i will only agree with the fact that hyunwoo took advantage of eunsungs situation, using him as a rebound for his ex and being dishonest with him. however, eunsung was acting crazy before they even killed each other, and he knew nothing about the ex gf. which meant it wasnt even the cheating/lying that drove him to act like that, so you cant actually say its 100% hyunwoos fault that eunsung is the way he is. and honestly, i dont blame hyunwoo for trying to keep his distance, eunsung is wayyy too dependent and starting to become downright manipulative. hyunwoo was selfish and stayed in the relationship for too long and now its too late

    elle 2.0 April 14, 2024 1:25 am
    I just wanna point out where the problem started, where it began, the moment Hyunwoo accepted Eunsung confession is where it all began Jayron

    and honestly with a personaliy like eunsungs, do you really think he would just give up on hyunwoo bc he got turned down????

    elle 2.0 April 14, 2024 1:26 am
    I dont necessarily think he groomed him bc he had no intentions of actually dating him or going further in their relationship. just bc eunsung was in hs when they met doesnt mean he was a child. he was in his f... elle 2.0

    omg so many typos, my bad

    Jayron April 14, 2024 5:15 am
    omg so many typos, my bad elle 2.0

    It's definitely most fault for his behavior is Hyunwoo, i am not saying his the most wrong, i just want to imply where the problem began, and teenager tends to change their mentality, emotions and everything based on how people treat them, and he actually met him when he was elementary that's what i know they just started dating when he was graduating on highschool i think

    Jayron April 14, 2024 5:21 am
    It's definitely most fault for his behavior is Hyunwoo, i am not saying his the most wrong, i just want to imply where the problem began, and teenager tends to change their mentality, emotions and everything ba... Jayron

    Also i am excusing Eunsung behavior i literally didn't said anything about excusing his behavior, i literally said most in my past comments both are wrong and worse, they don't have any single communication to each other, i don't where you got "I am excusing his behavior" is

    Jayron April 14, 2024 5:21 am
    It's definitely most fault for his behavior is Hyunwoo, i am not saying his the most wrong, i just want to imply where the problem began, and teenager tends to change their mentality, emotions and everything ba... Jayron


    Jayron April 14, 2024 5:22 am
    It's definitely most fault for his behavior is Hyunwoo, i am not saying his the most wrong, i just want to imply where the problem began, and teenager tends to change their mentality, emotions and everything ba... Jayron

    I am NOT excusing

    Jayron April 14, 2024 5:22 am
    It's definitely most fault for his behavior is Hyunwoo, i am not saying his the most wrong, i just want to imply where the problem began, and teenager tends to change their mentality, emotions and everything ba... Jayron

    God excuse the missing words and typos

elle 2.0 April 1, 2024 3:35 am

this is my comfort manga, i can literally read this 10 times and not get bored

    Cuccuttroisong April 1, 2024 3:55 am

    Totally agree. I don’t know why but this manga just feels so beautiful and healing to me

    elle 2.0 April 7, 2024 4:05 am
    Totally agree. I don’t know why but this manga just feels so beautiful and healing to me Cuccuttroisong

    with every re-read, i come up with a new thinkpiece and something to add to my album. I LOVE IT

elle 2.0 March 7, 2024 2:50 am

He Was My Groomer BYEEEE

elle 2.0 March 7, 2024 2:05 am

Feel so bad for Yuri bc is so kind to Yoonhee and gets treated like shit :( he got injured so bad and still put a bandaid on yoonhees hand even though yoonhee was the one who caused it - and i KNOW yuri didnt fight back. Also feel really bad for Seojins schizophrenic classmate bc he's literally right?? seojins parents started the fire and seojin was in on it. and the way seojin gaslights him is crazyyyyyy

elle 2.0 February 13, 2024 6:56 am

can someone who has read the novel please tell me what happens in the plot after this? i honestly cannot conjure up any ideas for the next season

    Sucre February 13, 2024 7:07 am

    They fuck a little more(lol), yohan had a little beef with cha cheongwon at hotel(i guess that his name?? The buff actor), then later song myongshin accuses yohan of burning his new car, yohan basically tells him “lol nope I didn’t do that, i was having sex with a guy for three days at X hotel”

    Cup of tea? or Mug of coffee? February 13, 2024 7:43 am
    Minispoiler.......They fuck a little more(lol), yohan had a little beef with cha cheongwon at hotel(i guess that his name?? The buff actor), then later song myongshin accuses yohan of burning his new car, yohan... Sucre

    Thanks brotha. I was dying to know what happened immediately after as well.

elle 2.0 February 13, 2024 2:37 am

i could never force myself to read something that makes uncomfortable (and not uncomfortable in a good way). but some of yall come back every update like clockwork to read the chapter and complain about it? what?? lmaoooo

elle 2.0 February 13, 2024 2:07 am

phew someone said it was juns friend ahaha! I love this story and the chacracters, omg but i need to see miyoshi cry

elle 2.0 January 8, 2024 3:53 pm

PLEASEE not yall exaggerating in the comments lmaoooo. if you were just looking for any reason to drop this story, then leave and be quiet omg. acting as if this is the worst thing that couldve ever happend in fiction, let alone woowon and seoans relationship

elle 2.0 December 23, 2023 9:27 am

cannot wait for the anime!!!

elle 2.0 December 23, 2023 9:22 am

"dont talk about mr joo like that, oh mr joo has it so hard, he's given me so much mr joo-" MR JOO SEES U AS NOTHING BUT A HOLE

    Morning Diamonds December 23, 2023 9:24 am


    Skoopy December 23, 2023 9:30 am

    You’re right, rape hole AND a mob stand in at the gym.

    Morning Diamonds December 23, 2023 9:42 am
    You’re right, rape hole AND a mob stand in at the gym. Skoopy

    There is no rape in Jinx. False. If you think that you don’t understand the story or Jaekyung.

    Mr Joo sees him as more.

    LynxSeoltang December 23, 2023 9:44 am

    You're very right. He sees dan as an emotional punching bag other than a fucking living cock sleeve/sex toy he can harass anytime he wants.

    Morning Diamonds December 23, 2023 9:45 am
    You're very right. He sees dan as an emotional punching bag other than a fucking living cock sleeve/sex toy he can harass anytime he wants. LynxSeoltang


    LynxSeoltang December 23, 2023 9:46 am
    There is no rape in Jinx. False. If you think that you don’t understand the story or Jaekyung. Mr Joo sees him as more. Morning Diamonds

    You're more delusional than Dan. Damn.

    Skoopy December 23, 2023 9:51 am
    There is no rape in Jinx. False. If you think that you don’t understand the story or Jaekyung. Mr Joo sees him as more. Morning Diamonds

    You’re a bait there’s no way.
    If you’re serious explain your part then.

    Morning Diamonds December 23, 2023 9:54 am
    You're more delusional than Dan. Damn. LynxSeoltang

    The difference between me and you. I am talking about Jinx than your delusional version. You are the one delusional and I know you are a troll.

    Morning Diamonds December 23, 2023 9:57 am
    You’re a bait there’s no way. If you’re serious explain your part then. Skoopy

    I am bait? For a few words to correcting it to the true than a delusional hate version of Jinx.
    Lynx is the bait.
    I am dead serious as I read Jinx as is without letting my hate or anger affect me or cause me to be blind to the truth.

    LynxSeoltang December 23, 2023 9:57 am
    The difference between me and you. I am talking about Jinx than your delusional version. You are the one delusional and I know you are a troll. Morning Diamonds

    "you're a troll" says the troll damn. The delusions. It's either you're high or you need to see a psychiatrist coz bro that's something else

    Skoopy December 23, 2023 9:58 am
    I am bait? For a few words to correcting it to the true than a delusional hate version of Jinx. Lynx is the bait. I am dead serious as I read Jinx as is without letting my hate or anger affect me or cause me t... Morning Diamonds

    What’s the fucking truth tell your side motherfrog

    Morning Diamonds December 23, 2023 10:04 am
    You’re right, rape hole AND a mob stand in at the gym. Skoopy

    I was saying false because Jaekyung does not see Dan as a hole. If you think that you are missing the truth. There is no rape. It is sexual abuse, sexual assault, and sexual coercion.
    If you look closely at the terms. Rape will not fit.

    He is not a mob stand either.

    Dan is special to Jaekyung. He needs to wake up too.

    He is possessive. It is not like him.
    He seeks an emotional connection with Dan.
    That is not like him.
    He lets Dan live with him. That is not like him. He is in love but does not understand it. He has had no reason to understand or change. But he view Dan as more.

    You are only get Dan’s side with some shivers of Jaekyung’s side. There is enough there to know Dan is not a hole.

    The difference between me and you. I am a genuine reader and read the story as it not making it more negative or adding things to the story. I am reading Jinx not your hate.

    Morning Diamonds December 23, 2023 10:05 am
    What’s the fucking truth tell your side motherfrog Skoopy

    The truth is in the story. The real story that you are blind too. I was writing to you but it is not my side. It is simply the truth of the story. You are not name calling? How immature

    Morning Diamonds December 23, 2023 10:07 am
    "you're a troll" says the troll damn. The delusions. It's either you're high or you need to see a psychiatrist coz bro that's something else LynxSeoltang

    Take your own advice. Only a troll would write that.

    LynxSeoltang December 23, 2023 10:10 am
    Take your own advice. Only a troll would write that. Morning Diamonds

    Fix your English first before commenting bro. You sound like a troll

    Skoopy December 23, 2023 10:11 am
    The truth is in the story. The real story that you are blind too. I was writing to you but it is not my side. It is simply the truth of the story. You are not name calling? How immature Morning Diamonds

    Motherfrog is my favorite term not a name call I’m offended by that statement.

    Morning Diamonds December 23, 2023 10:11 am

    If he only sees him as hole.
    Why does he have a job? None of the other holes had a job.
    Why does he live with him? Jaekyung never let anyone live with him.
    Why is he jealous? Why is he possessive? Why does he go out of his way to pay things off?
    He seems an emotional connection.

    You are not seeing Jaekyung and letting yourself get fooled by how she is trying to make him look bad

    Morning Diamonds December 23, 2023 10:14 am

    To Lynx. Who attacked and blocked. Trolling tactics. That means you have no argument and trying to discredit me.

    Skoopy December 23, 2023 10:16 am
    I was saying false because Jaekyung does not see Dan as a hole. If you think that you are missing the truth. There is no rape. It is sexual abuse, sexual assault, and sexual coercion. If you look closely at th... Morning Diamonds

    Also yeah I accept your view and I admit some truth to most of this. Yes I’ve noticed all this but that’s the only thing to keep readers hanging on reading this. Truth is that this kinda sucks, it tickles you with the generic possession and weird things that joo does. But has it shown him actually reflect on anything, anything of his thoughts. No. I think it’s being dragged on too long and the second he shows any type of progress he goes back to being the asshole to Dan it’s actually weird. Like the story is completely unenjoyable, it’s had its time to have a character arc for joo but it’s just not happening and a lot of the readers are getting bored of this. I think this story is being written not so well, which is why I’m not paying attention and fully analyzing it. I’m just here waiting, seeinf what it will become. If it will.

    Skoopy December 23, 2023 10:21 am
    If he only sees him as hole. Why does he have a job? None of the other holes had a job. Why does he live with him? Jaekyung never let anyone live with him. Why is he jealous? Why is he possessive? Why does he g... Morning Diamonds

    Why? Because he’s the seme and Dan is the uke. The author needs stereotypical traps to keep them together to keep the story going. Oh you have a debt, work for me, live with me. You’re mine grrrr. He’s possessive and “jealous” because that’s his object. I think EVERYONE thought that chapter of him with Dan blindfolded being shown with the pink hair guy was FINALLY the time we were going to see him change. But nope wasted chance, no change. If anything it got worse that chapter and we were severely disappointed. Then a second time when Dan said he loved him. Nothing. The author is edging us, then getting rid of it completely. I guarantee this is not as deep as you are reading into it. You should go read another story that is as deep as what you’re desiring.

    Morning Diamonds December 23, 2023 10:36 am
    Why? Because he’s the seme and Dan is the uke. The author needs stereotypical traps to keep them together to keep the story going. Oh you have a debt, work for me, live with me. You’re mine grrrr. He’s po... Skoopy

    No that is not correct and Dan is not an object to him. You missed my point. If he was just an object he wouldn’t act like that. He would not care to be possessive or jealous. He would let Heesung have those sections with Dan. Dan is special to him. They are end game. Jaekyung says thing but means something else. You can’t take things at face value.

    I am not looking at it deep. But it is not a shallow story either. It is deeper than you think. Maybe it’s you that needs to find another story if you are tried and trying to rush a slow burn story. You are saying it is completely unenjoyable. And can you say that when you just admitted you are not paying attention and fully analyzing it? When my friends and I have?

    It is not my view.

    Yes it is dragging and it could be written better. It could have key points where people will not claim rape and understand Jaekyung and Dan better.
    Look deeper my friend

    Skoopy December 23, 2023 10:56 am
    No that is not correct and Dan is not an object to him. You missed my point. If he was just an object he wouldn’t act like that. He would not care to be possessive or jealous. He would let Heesung have tho... Morning Diamonds

    Yes I agree I should probably find a new thing to read haha but I don’t understand how it’s not rape??? Sexual assault but not rape? Did Dan not verbally say no multiple times and joo was on him. The second you don’t have consent it is rape. If you keep going when the other person does not desire it, it is rape.

    LynxSeoltang December 23, 2023 12:38 pm
    To Lynx. Who attacked and blocked. Trolling tactics. That means you have no argument and trying to discredit me. Morning Diamonds

    I blocked you because you're not making any sense. Also, trolling tactics? Are we in the military? You have issues in you head whoever you are. Have you self checked.

    Morning Diamonds December 23, 2023 2:49 pm

    Dear Lynx you are desperately describing yourself. Take your own advice. Stop trolling and being nasty

    Morning Diamonds December 23, 2023 3:02 pm
    Yes I agree I should probably find a new thing to read haha but I don’t understand how it’s not rape??? Sexual assault but not rape? Did Dan not verbally say no multiple times and joo was on him. The second... Skoopy

    Rape is sexual assault but not all sexual assault is rape.

    You are cherry picking. Consent can be taken and given back.
    Dan says no but gives the consent back.
    Not all noes mean no.
    Read back. “No..I can do it.”
    Not all of Dan’s no was telling him no. They were answering questions.
    You have to understand both the characters. Sexual coercion is sexual assault but it is not rape. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/sexual-coercion#examples

    Only one example does that page says it is rape. The rest is sexual assault.

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