elle 2.0 February 15, 2025 8:18 am


elle 2.0 January 31, 2025 1:11 pm

shima is too considerate, why would he feel bad for his mum? If that were me, i wouldve jumped on the first chance to tell her when i found out the reason i wasnt getting gigs was her fault and make her feel bad for scolding me lmaooo. but lowkey, shima wasn't really interested in being an actor like that, was he?

    Rice milk February 1, 2025 7:44 am

    If I remember correctly I think he only got into acting cause it made his mom happy ?

    helrb.exe February 5, 2025 8:10 pm

    i think that if it happened when he was slightly older he would have but since he was yoong at the time the only thing on his mind was making his mom happy as if with most little kids that age

    Ritsu February 5, 2025 10:55 pm

    ngl i somehow relate to him when it comes to his mom
    you just start feeling guilty when they change overtime even tho you were the one being abused it's crazy
    i think shima does love acting but felt suffocated by him having to please his mom with being the "perfect child actor" so she could feel better about herself

elle 2.0 January 27, 2025 10:23 pm

this is kind of giving form of sympathy is both leads were mentally stable

elle 2.0 February 16, 2025 8:43 am

WHO HERE HAS THE AUDACITY TO TALK DOWN ON JUHYO??? As if this man hasnt suffered through enough! Hes not stupid or timid or indecisive, hes experienced mulitple traumaic events and is still tries to make the most of his life- i think hes so inspiring and i cannot bring myself to hate characters like him. He so graceful, to still care about his mother after she abandoned him and to allow his ex to start again without killing him. He's actually very capable and can stand up for himself, he just goes it kind of passivley. I really don't understand how some people in the comments expect him to act, i read the whole story and I cant find a single thing to fault him on...

elle 2.0 December 19, 2024 12:02 pm

what tf are glasses and jinhyeong even arguing about? what does isak have to do with glasses and why did glasses apologise? also hes hot af, wish he was part of a side couple

    heikimi December 19, 2024 3:32 pm

    Isak was badmouthing about J and glasses was just nodding and encouraging him.

elle 2.0 December 19, 2024 12:08 pm

aw his aunt and her partner were pobably the women in the photo with him at the end of chp 14

elle 2.0 December 19, 2024 11:33 am

This better not be how the story ends bc wtff?? i get the feeling that Touji really liked Kiyoto but Kiyoto was probably too insecure... And Touji and Yachiyo dont even get togteher like that?? What was the point of anything then? I wish they just allowed themseves to move on from each other, but maybe Kiyoto realised that it wouldnt be possible in the end. Im so sad, my heart aches for all of them. I also dont tolerate any Kiyoto slander in the comments, like did we read the same story?

    Luquiency December 20, 2024 10:25 pm

    I'd say that kiyoto wasn't particularly insecure
    He saa through his lover and realised his feelings and was mature enough to make touji realise it to and let go of him

    bamgyu December 27, 2024 6:37 pm

    I am guessing this is a prequel of sort. If not a prequel than I know for a fact that there is a sequel. I hope someone releases it here.

    Also I don't think Kiyoto was necessarily insecure, more like, he saw Touji still has love for Yachiyo, and took the mature route.

    I actually loved Kiyoto but I didn't really want him as the end up idk why. The way thr story was set up too, made me sense that he wasn't gonna be for Touji. Or more like Touji wasn't for him.
    I like all 3 of them a lot. Yachiyo became a personal favourite towards the end part. Hopefully we'll see this explored more in the sequel it's called Onajide wa Irarenai kara.

elle 2.0 December 7, 2024 3:52 am

do you think mcs sister will even be able to finish her manga after finding out her brother got hit by a truck and died??

elle 2.0 December 4, 2024 9:12 pm

praying for the author to make Yatora a little bi-curious

elle 2.0 November 24, 2024 1:12 pm

wait so jay got into a fight with the bodygaurd who broke his arm, and in return, jay permanently disabled him?? T_T

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