This is also a new one I started. If you can get through the 20ish chapters of all kinky shit he puts the poor MC through I promise it is worth it. It calms down and get seriously adorable. But just skip a lot of those first chapters if you can’t take it until they get to the inn, the 180 is soooo cute I’m addicted

Hey!! Here’s my list of favorites that Inread, reread, and read again. There are some dark ones mixed in but ignore them. Most of them are lighthearted and cute!! Please enjoy and let me know what you think
I find a lot of them by reading one and if I love it I read all of the authors other works and pick out more from the suggestion page too

this series is way boring, and honestly dr dan isn’t cute anymore.. he’s just cringe and jk is a huge piling stinky steamy turd
but what else is new amiright