Joshua NEEDS to be the ML if the author plans for a romantic relationship for our Emma. He's not just there for her, Joshua and his family are DEDICATED to protecting the Stuart's finances AS A WHOLE. They're very respectable and reliable and has been there since DAY ONE. I refuse to accept anyone else.

I'm not SUPER sure but from the spoilers, it appears that the movie had some sort of explosion scene? Like a triggering scene that triggered his PTSD of the war setting ML back BY A LOT again.
It's a tragedy really, they were 2 steps forward and now 10 steps back. This is why screening movies before publicizing them is so important ;-;

While Princess is admittedly not attracted to the Crown Prince at all, she still puts so so so much effort into making it work and making it lighter for everyone. I feel so bad, and the Crown Prince looks at only FL Angela.
I kinda hoped that the Princess saw Rayburn entering from the window so she really gets closure and takes a hint that Rayburn is into Angela.
I HOPE THE CROWN PRINCE EVENTUALLY FALLS IN LOVE WITH THE PRINCESS. She comes off vain and prideful, but she really just loves her country and is the beacon of reassurance for the people.
I always save this manga for last whenever I read up on my new updates, a great way to end my reading
no cuz SAMEEEE