He should genuinely leave his sister’s side. He wouldn’t bc she is the main character but he should. The reason she shows “love” to him only to stop his later actions. She doesn’t genuinely care for him like how the story wants you to think because she has been manipulating him the entire time almost akin to Stockholm syndrome bc he is so brainwashed that when he finds out that his sister has been lying to him his entire life, he is just going to forgive her like the good dog he is. The whole story they treat him like a nuisance in the way of their love and lives together and it’s so sad that he will never be happy in a way that doesn’t center people who won’t do the same for him.
Also, in addition to just the weirdness surrounding that incredibly toxic relationship. Class relations is also extremely weird and unsettling due to the fact that they try to make it seem like people who are born in poverty, and who are like you know, suffering under oppression and starving are villains for asking for a lot from the church. Granted, I think they were asking for a little bit too much right they were asking for this woman to essentially die for them right but I need people to understand that’s like they are actually being asked to die by the powers that be all the time like they don’t have any power, and they barely have enough food and a literal Saint is in front of them and she’s a noble which means she has money and the literal ability to make most of their problems go away. They did become a bit too relying on her. I can totally see why they would because they are literal peasants. And the fact that the answer to their demands is to completely remove, the Saints blessing from the people and singly only give it to other nobles like her and the royal family is crazy like they should’ve rebelled or just left. They should’ve had a mass migration genuinely. Like the fact that the nobles legitimately think that no bless oblige is enough for the peasants to live off of is crazy and truly goes to show how privilege and arrogant they are. Like the occasional glance from a Noble isn’t going to be enough to feed a family. The people also should’ve stopped believing that the church will come save them and become a more atheist community which Is fairly similar to what really happened in situations like this when the church made it clear that they were no longer going to save the people. I just feel like it’s extremely weird to blame you know literal peasants for flip-flopping on the scene when all that truly matters to them is who is going to be helping them at that specific moment. Faith and nobless oblige doesn’t feed stomach. Actions do.
Even if you look at it like objectively, it is just weird to write about peasants being at fault for you know their situation. I don’t know. It’s just weird. The story has really good ideas and concepts, but the place where they choose to go with them is insanely disappointing.