Yellowcanary's feed

I think it’s so silly that humans haven’t thought to privatized healing a bit more because it seems like even though they want to help everyone for the sake of altruism the fact that which is how magic and they don’t is a massive thorn in their side and the only thing they have is healing, so the fact that they don’t Restrict information about healing to wishes or just not be as open with healing witches in the first place is crazy. Even if they don’t mention it, the fact that magic is only accessible to one side of the people means there will always be a power imbalance, even if they’re both humans. And healing can be used to fix that power imbalance, but they won’t. And it’s so difficult to solve because everyone is starting to question the rule so everyone’s becoming morally grayish, but then you have characters who refused to do that like I can’t see those police who say they aren’t cruel but their actions don’t show that. The King and Coustas Will never be evil to me in any way shape or form because all they wanna do is help people in ways the witches won’t. The witches are trying, but they just won’t break the rules because ultimately to them the rule is more important than the life of humans to the point where they don’t feel bad about erasing peoples memories. The monarchs are completely completely right to feel threatened by the witches and scared and jealous because they are essentially defenseless to witches. I can see this leading to civil unrest on the human side to witches, and I would love to see it a progress to the point where they refuse to heal witches, and it creates a rift between the two and then has to be solved that could be taken advantage of by the brim hats