Honestly Erica is so fucking real like the fact that she’s told that man that she was going to kill herself is iconic enough on its own but the i was not expecting the look into her world. I feel like a lot of people don’t really empathize or understand her at all due to never being in her position but she is someone who was drowning due to her sister even if her sister didn’t know it. Her sister’s successes felt like wounds personally inflicted while her grandfather’s words made it clear that she was a waste to the point where she tried to take her life. In the novel, the sister who tries to take her life, does it for attention however, since they changed the sister who did it here and make it look like a genuine attempt to die because if she’s a lost cause that she has nothing to live for. Her only advocates were her parents who were taken away from her, and then she had to be “sick” for the rest of her life which locked her in a gilded cage. I feel like with the red knight he was trying to give her a new reason to live but the reason why he lives is due to his brother and family is not a good enough answer for her.

I don’t know what would genuinely be the best ending for her but I think she needs distance from both her grandfather and sister. I don’t really want her to die but if her attempt is ruined I imagine it’s going to ruin her mentally especially if she calls it her first victory. Maybe in death she can get her first win and her eternal rest.

The brother life is so fucked I would just die if I was in his position like finding out, the parents who raised him are not related to him at all and therefore he’s not related to his hyper competent sister, he lost his legitimacy and so he lost his job, the person who was the love of his life used and threw him away and he has cancer and is going to die. Like I wouldn’t be surprised if he rejects the organ donation because what does he have left to live for? Like my god the curse of the Og!ML has never been never been this strong before. I’m so glad he is a fictional character in a fictional story in a fictional story because I can’t have him suffer this much please hurry up and show me him being a actor and therefore ok

What the fuck. Why did the story go that direction with him?!? The fact that his parents found out he was missing and went “Oh, OK anyways” is crazy first of all and the fact he left for the author who is probably getting her shit kicked in is crazy like come back to this world fall in love with your mid new wife and please don’t kill yourself king like you are stressing me out

So is his punishment just a long way of killing him? He’s going to be forced to join the knights and then be forced to be put in a dangerous situation that they make it seem he wouldn’t be ready for.

I genuinely think this story is hilarious not because of any actions done by any of the characters but simply because they’re trying to make us think that she is a noble and good character when she’s doing the exact same shit her family did in her first life like if I wanna support her in the second life, I would have to support her family in the first life because they’re doing the exact same shit like one of her family members causes a problem. She toys with them for a bit and then kill them like it’s exactly the same. And the story trys to make you feel bad for the dead dad but if he stepped his pussy up, they would not be having this issue. Like I don’t know maybe talk to your slibings especially if you see that they’re slipping a little with their sanity because all these siblings are fucking insane and I feel like anyone can see that they spend like 10 minutes with any of them

Yellowcanary created a topic of Driver's High

So I know everybody thinks he peed on himself. That is actually not what happened. He squirted, which composition is heavily debated to this day as some people believe it is a unique mixture of fluid, unique enough to be called his own thing while other scientist believe that it is a very diluted form of urine with some hints of semen (at least in men). But since it’s very liquidy and flows through the urethra, it is often confused for urine however, you can see that it’s not urine as it’s extremely clear without the yellowish tint reminiscing of urine and without the milkiness reminiscing of semen

Cliff please you don’t have to be like this you’re supposed to be depressed and damn near suicidal and it’s supposed to show your depth as a character. And then you’re supposed to do something else, but I actually have complaints about that so I won’t bring it up.

Yellowcanary created a topic of Put a Smile On

All bottoms should be allowed to stab/shoot their top at least once.

Yellowcanary created a topic of Lucky Paradise

How much do we really know about the relationship of Woojin and Choi Yitae. Like we barely see Woojin when he isn’t the whipping boy of the universe like I wanna say the best chapter of him so far where he isn’t actively talking about MC is 124 and he says three lines and Choi Yitae doesn’t even speak and it’s implied that they’re on a date or something, but we wouldn’t know. Like I swear to God we’re not gonna get a side story we are gonna get one chapter and it’s going to be them being like yeah we’ve already married or some bullshit because the author would have to go back in time so far to justify them getting together because we literally have nothing like no information at all. Like we know more about the second Marie lead than anything. What’s happening with them? Maybe he should just be a triple in their relationship why the fuck not.

This is giving svsss where the author got so mad at her side couple being more popular than the main couple that she decided to fucking get rid of all of them like I’m sorry we like your characters why are we being punished?!?!

Yellowcanary created a topic of For Snow White

I think it’s very interesting how everybody is asking why doesn’t she just step down when they make it very clear that she ultimately does not have a lot of power over if she becomes the heir or not. She told her father opinion and then that made her brother’s life worse and if she wants to make her brother have a better life then telling her father she doesn’t want the crown is not the way.

Yellowcanary created a topic of Love Gym

I kinda wanted at least something to happen with taehee more then the quick hint of something at the end and I kinda like how that it shows that MC and Taehee wasn’t really good friends to each other instead of it being one-sided. If there is a side story I hope the plot is about Taehee and red heads relationship and his friendship with MC maybe repairing it but who knows

Yellowcanary created a topic of Demonic Evolution

He should’ve just gave him backshots. I wanted to see it. Snow has been such a forgotten character until this moment he deserved some good backshots.

Some of y’all about to be real mad at me, however I think it’s important to point out the reason behind Raymond’s behavior is the shitty ass emperor. Like everybody says that him and his adopted brother had the same love from the emperor, but that’s clearly not true. The emperor clearly has a favorite and it’s not him. Like he told Raymond he would have to marry who he says he has to marry however, his favorite could marry for love. And you can say that’s because he’s younger however, if that was all Raymond needed, he would’ve been crown prince soon after his marriage to MC. But that wasn’t enough for the emperor. He wanted them to be in love. He literally tried to force people to be in love for his own reason and got mad when Raymond tried to push back. And now that he found out that Raymond doesn’t have any magic he’s willing to throw him away. There is no way the emperor ever genuinely cared for Raymond and that makes sense, especially when you see his behavior as an adult because he can’t regulate his emotions which is a sign of emotional abuse by the way, not diagnosing anyone with anything fyi and it’s not like this isn’t a common thing in these types of stories but it’s always crazy to see. Like I don’t go as far to say that the emperor is Raymond’s abuser however, I will say that if Raymond ever died there would be no love loss and the emperor wouldn’t skip a beat.

Now I don’t mean all this to say that Raymond is a saint either. He’s clearly awful but how much of that awfulness is a trauma response then you get into the murky lines between a victim and an abuser and that’s too much for the scope of this conversation. Because he did get forced into a marriage he clearly didn’t want and while he didn’t physically abuse his wife (such a low bar), he did emotionally abuse her (aka cycle of abuse) and let his mistress harass her. I don’t think it’s ultimately crazy that Raymond fed up with this behavior for almost 2 1/2 decades go to let’s get rid of him. I just think it’s so interesting they keep poking at him until he breaks and then blames him for all of it. It’s just very telling

Yellowcanary created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Woojin please come home.

I’m kind of excited to see Erica’s big crash out like I hope they make it as big as it needs to be

Yellowcanary created a topic of Lucky Paradise

Someone please let know if ANYTHING is ever done with the friend like honestly

Yellowcanary created a topic of Love Gym

He doesn’t seem too bad actually just more fragile than he wants to appear. He didn’t want to be alone but in doing so he hurt one of his closest friends. I feel like he’s going to be a side couple probably with MC’s friend or something I think he just needs someone

Yellowcanary created a topic of Between the Stars

They didn’t need a side story, they needed a sequel. This author is really good at slow burn and ehh at fast moving stuff and they should have moved even slower then the main couple not juts because the brother didn’t like him but because he is secretive with his feelings due to his feelings of lack of control and this would also allow the ginger to be more fleshed out since I don’t believe he is so far

I’m kinda sad their relationship went to shit like but I don’t blame either of them for the actions they took.

Yellowcanary created a topic of Rental Onii-chan

Sometimes I come back and think about the story because like her brother was really being abused in biblical proportions. I think it’s a damn miracle he just didn’t kill himself. Like he was being physically verbally emotionally abused at home as well as neglected while keeping up a façade for his younger sister. He was being physically and verbally bullied at school and no one really seems to care. Other than one bystander who like helped once, but didn’t really do anything else which like no hate to her, but like not good. Then he finds out that both his parents died in a car accident and then their last minute they are arguing about what an awful son he is. Like that’s so much. Genuinely that’s so much. I think it’s really weird that people can wave away his trauma when he is by far the character with the most trauma in the entire story. Like his sister went through something bad he went through something worse. I don’t like comparing trauma even situation, but I think it’s really weird. A lot of people are repenting to his sins and don’t care about his trauma when it is unarguably the worst in this entire story. I do think while being a great story it does lose a few points for the way character seems to interact with his trauma specifically because they go while you went through a lot that doesn’t justify anything you done and I completely get that however I feel like you just don’t take a story like that and completely push it to the side and I feel like a lot of them do that. Like it doesn’t justify his treatment of his younger sister, but after hearing all that I can understand him a lot more and I want him to get better not just for the sake of his younger sister because he is a victim who has no one? like has his younger sister, but I don’t think she’s gonna help him as much as people think because she is like a child. I genuinely think this story would’ve been everything if it had one more volume where it focused on him trying to get better with the help of the brother for rent. Because I don’t think he needs to be his older brother, but I think him just being there for him in a way no one ever has been would have done a lot like the firm believe he should adjust moved in with them because they cannot be trusted to be alone as the brother might hurt the sister again because healing isn’t linear, but also because the brother might kill himself, they both needed help and only the sister was able to receive it and I mean like yeah the brother eventually got better but like it would’ve been good to see that journey, even if it’s for a little.