2021-06-07 01:14 marked
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2021-05-19 16:01 marked

1. first meeting- you can be both a secret friend.
2. Pretend that you agree with her father's scheme so you can be a duke and love her secretly.
3. why did you even let a snake near her or you( come on it just a simple rules)
4. you can even protect her secretly and more with your power as a duke.
There are so many bullsh*t you can do if you only try to be a good husband or a human to her. lastly... why did you even put a snake as your son's 2nd mother without telling him the truth. You even separated the duchess from her son, which is the most painful thing for a mother. That even death can't win from her pain of separation from her son. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
2021-05-13 17:30 marked
2021-05-12 18:27 marked

Dont forget Og Eris was chosen to be the princes finace at a young age this means the following:
She had to have nobel lady lession + empress / queen lessons.
Nobel lessions are strick enought already, posture, walk, etiquete and so forth, now ad to that ruling, knowledge, language, + the stricktes teachers that dont accept anything but perfection.. And to boot a finace who hates your guts and openly flirts with his "playmate".
Just look at Empress Remarries so get an idea of the expectations of a future queen/ empress.. You are not aloved to have flaws, to show weakness, nor be yourself. you are moldet into the "perfect" queen / empress yet hated for it.
In this case Helena became the only real outlet Eris had.. it wasnt right to bully her but.. how would Eris have staid sane othewise with such a fiance?
Both Helena and Eris had neglected, abusive childhoods.. but only Helenas is highlighted because she is the Heroine.
The reason i Hate Helena is because new Eris is trying her best to put it all in the past and let it all go, but Helena wont let her and purposfully keeps draging her back ..even after she has admitted defeat.
And yet we are ment to pity Helena.. Despite almost every chapter where she apears.. showing off the privileges she has not only ower Eris, but all nobels and commoners.
The logic of the time is a nobel needs guard or an escort when going to town.. Helena can go as she pleases..
The same logic is that nobels need to send a request letter in advance before going to either Temple, Palace or another nobels residense as not doing so = very rude and uncurtious. Helena can go anywhere she pleases because of her conectinos with the Prince and Queen.. and noone will stop her out of fear of incuring their wrath.
A nobel lady cant be seen anlone with a engaged or single batchor.. it would stain her reputaion.. yet alon be caught touching or being touched by said man.. that would name her a slut / harlot in social circules. Yet Helenas is doing so and not just with a enaged man but with the hero and high priest to... and yet seen as inocent and pure.. and all because "she donst know better".
Helenas family history and its downfall is sad yes.. but sadly its not uncommon..
If they incured the wrath of the wrong ppl, insulted someone or even suported the wrong faction.. the results would be the same.. and yet they are still better off than being 100% commoners.. as they are ex nobels so they still have a bit of status in that fact alone.
Helenas mother has had a big impact on her "way" of life.. but at the same time.. we hear nothing about her grandmother.. who was the reason she was made the princes "playmate" (grandmother part is from the novel tho).
Helenas main reason for not being on good terms with the other maids are that they keep their distance becasue of her relationship with the royalfamily..and because she is an ex-nobel/ fallen nobel .. making her still higher in statuse than them.. and if they act incorect they may incure the wrath of ex friedns of Helenas family.
She feels bad because if she tries to compleet her work the headmaid gets scolded for her not comming when called.. But also feels bad for the maid who have to do her work ontop of their own... And yet we see her being bold enough to ask for help from the other maids with the work she does have.. This part just dosnt sit right with me...
Its like she wants the best of both worlds.. she asks for help with her given work yet feels bad when they have to take it over onece she leaves... Ofcorse they wont help you.. when in the end they end up doing it all anyway.. + ITS YOUR JOB... they can do their jobs alone without help so why cant you!
Another reason i dont like Helena is because... lets face it... How does she have so much free time despite being a full time Palace maid? She has time to go windowshoping in town... Time to visit the Temple when ever she pleases.. + the tea with the prince and company with the Queen and yet still manages to find Fl where ever she goes..
Isnt she ment to be doing her maid work when not with th royalfamily? Like does she have a personal cariage or something? It takes Fl... literal hours to go to the Temple and town in trancport.. and yet Helena is always there before her.
This is where im going to stop.. dont wana go to deep into thing..
I know many will say that Eris had the better life... but just try to think about it.. if you have ready any other magas with a fiance of a future king / emperor .. how intense the bides training was.. how physicaly and mentalt draining it was and ad to that this mangas prince.. I think Eris genusenly has suffer more than we are show..
2021-05-10 07:10 marked

2021-05-07 05:55 marked
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2021-04-30 23:54 marked
2021-04-29 21:55 marked
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2021-04-26 02:44 marked