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mop May 19, 2021 12:11 am

I was wondering, in the conversation between Mao Mao and Jinshi in Chapter 36.2 when Mao Mao thought that maybe a government official who had too much time on his hands grew the flowers to court a lady. Which could connect with Chapter 38 where Rakan mentioned how he also grew them, but only as a prank and dismissed it when he said it’s a story for another time. I’m basing these chapters off my memory right now, but Mao Mao in a later chapter I believe, also mentioned how with Rakan carefree attitude, he had a tendency to drop his work to others which might explain how “he had too much free time on his hands” and been the official who had done that to court Fon Shen.

To be honest, I just thought of this up while rereading the scenes where they were reunited because I cried too much and got a headache because of it.

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