author created such an intricate plot with a political war between 2 princes and an undying plan to absolutely capture the lion liege to work formally under royal command but just skipped it all and made it end i loved the fleshed out characters of the lion liege but i wanted more. it felt like there was no clear villain in the story which sucks especially in that one very detailed panel with a blonde prince that planned to take the lion liege for his own goods. i was so excited too seeing that panel because the contrast was so beautifully depicted. the lions were in black with a dark background while the royals were in white and gold with a shining background. rlly wished to see that war pan out and also the process that brought yvette to go through an official knighting process. would’ve loved a “forced to be apart” arc where the two maybe thought about each other for support and wrote letters and what not. idk. story had amazing art and incredible potential but just fell so hard out of nowhere at the end??? i liked it so much it was abt to be on the list for some of my favs of all time in this genre but ig the ending just rlly RLLY threw me off i’ll give it a 3.5/5 stars in my books just for the disruptive ending alone but definitely could’ve easily gotten a 5/5 if it was fully fleshed out. wonder if the author got tired of the story